Thursday, October 31, 2019
Elvis Presleys Rise and Fall, and his contribution to the Rock and Research Paper
Elvis Presleys Rise and Fall, and his contribution to the Rock and Roll Music Industry - Research Paper Example The career of a celebrity is usually accompanied by a cause-and-effect based sequence of ups and downs that are supposed to be connected. But though Elvis Presley’s rise to the peak of popularity in the 1950s’ rock-n-roll music industry can fairly be explained in terms of the dynamics that an artist needs, the causes his downfall remains apparently mysterious and shrouded by some unpredictable events. At the 28th anniversary of his death he was entitled the â€Å"King of Rock n roll†due to his contribution to the rock n roll back in the 1950’s, this celebrity was fated to touch the bottom of popularity. For years Presley’s downfall has engaged the scholars in debates on the question why Presley’s popularity had to face a sharp downfall in the midway of his career forcing him to withdraw himself from the public affair. Though some critics hold the opinion that his rise as well as his subsequent downfall is the natural parts of a celebrityâ₠¬â„¢s life, most of the critics explain Presley’s downfall as a result of his pursuing for cheap popularity. The commonplace of these critics’ arguments is: the path that he chose to reach the peak of his popularity took him down. Obviously his approach was one-way and he reached the point of no-return. Even though at the beginning of his career, Elvis Presley showed a clear disposition of a marvellous musical artist, he began to increasingly depend on cheap popularity, shifting his attention from the quality of performance. A close investigation of his journey to the peak of his career fairly envisages his downfall at the end. It is significant to note that Elvis began his career as an acoustic artist.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Undercover Police Work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Undercover Police Work - Essay Example when unaccountability in such an area may lead to impractical situations, thereby defeating the aim and purpose of such an act being authorized in the first place. As for ethics, secret operations may be criticized on the basis that such they interfere with a person’s right to privacy and goes on tamper and infringe other’s right. This would be apparent in situations where such acts are found to be on erroneous or based on incorrect information. Furthermore, such acts lead to moral uncertainties. As such operations may lead to corruption of the police officer, disciplinary problems and psychological issues. These are clear cut suggestions that ethical problems do arise when undercover police operations take place. Even though it may be argued that facilitative operations and authorized criminality are necessary for upkeep of law, there are clear cut ethical as well as practical issues, some of which might be tackled and borne in mind before supporting such
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Automation in insurance underwriting processes
Automation in insurance underwriting processes Abstract Underwriting is one of the important processes in insurance operations. The applicants information, including various kinds of medical information, must be evaluated before the insurance company can decide to accept the application. These activities are usually supported by process automation facility. However, the support of exception handling mechanism and the monitoring of turnaround time in those process automation solutions are usually inadequate. This results in a low efficiency of the underwriting operations or even loss of business opportunities. To address the problem, this paper presents an Alert-enhanced Underwriting System (AUS), which handles the exception events and monitors the turnaround time with the concept of alerts. We further illustrate how Web services facilitate workflow integration and process communications. 1. Introduction Life insurance provides protection against the economic loss caused by the death of the person whose life is insured [1]. Because of its popularity, it is a business where many insurance companies allocate many resources in order to gain more market share. A life insurance policy defines the terms and conditions for the prospective client, particularly the situations under which the insurance company promises to pay a benefit upon death [2]. Since life insurance products can provide a stable cash inflow for an insurance company, there is a trend that insurance companies market various life products, such as investment-linked life products, savings life products and critical illness protection, in order to attract more customers with different needs. Although life insurance business can generate financial benefits to the insurance company, the company still needs to bear financial responsibility to pay the insured under some agreed conditions, e.g., the insured dies during a specified period. The insurance will face the consequence of financial loss if the company accepts prospective clients, who present extremely high risks and when some of these insured persons die soon after policy issuance. High quality processes are necessary to assess the degree of risks associated with each application of life insurance. Underwriting (which is also known as new business) is a process of assessing and classifying the degree of risk represented by a prospective client and making a decision to accept or decline the insured. The world of electronic collaboration is developing rapidly, introducing new technology and new ways of collaboration. The success of collaboration often depends on the ability of a corporation not only to make sure that their applications are dynamic, but also to maintain a high degree of interoperability with collaboration partners. In this paper, we present an Alert-enhanced Underwriting System (AUS) as a collaboration platform for streamlining the workflow of insurance underwriting processes. AUS makes use of an Event-Condition-Action (ECA) collaboration model [13] to manage event handling, process integration, and alert/exception management for the process flow of the underwriting operations. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses some related work and background requirements. Section 3 describes system design and implementation for our AUS. Section 4 concludes our paper with our continue research work that look forwards to possible enhancements. 2. Background and Related Work Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) essentially defined the technology of electronic collaboration in the past. However, EDI is an expensive solution, due to its high cost of network infrastructure and system integration. In addition, security issues of EDI also limited corporations from directly accessing the computing resources of its trading partners, which used firewall-unfriendly protocols. Therefore, developers start to find other technologies which have a low cost, flexible software solution that allows corporations to build new applications in response to changing business needs while adhering to a defined electronic business standard [10]. Recently, numerous vendors have offered solutions to support both XML (eXtensible Markup Language) and EDI formats for collaboration. One of the solutions is the transformation of information between companies: XML-to-EDI. Transformation is critical to an edge integration strategy that brings together B2B collaboration and enterprise application at the boundary of an enterprise in order to enable the back-end connectivity and workflow required to support a complete business process [11]. In the XML world, e-Business XML (ebXML) [12] is a modular suite of specifications which are initiatively designed for electronic interoperability. The strength of the ebXML architecture is that it provides a framework for electronic business collaboration. The architecture enables businesses to work together to specify business process, discover one another, negotiate collaboration agreements, and execute business processes. However, although ebXML implementations are already being announced, the rate of deployment of ebXML is not quickly accelerated. Many companies are taking a wait-and-see approach until ebXML becomes a mainstream in the market. 2.1. Key Processes and Integration Figure 1 illustrates a typical underwriting process, which usually consists of the following four key activities: Performing field underwriting, Reviewing the application for insurance, Gathering additional information to make a sound decision, and Making an underwriting decision on the case [3] However, before a new case is sent to an underwriter for processing, there are other activities involved: Packing application forms and other documents from the agent Initial premium payment through the cashier entry system Data entry of new application in a branch or zone office Scanning documents into images for workflow processing Quality Check (QC) and Indexing on the scanned documents Release of the validated and scanned documents images into workflow engine for further processing In the traditional way of performing the activities 1 to 5 without any automation processes, it incurs high cost in human resource, storage cost, and paper work, together with a high turnaround time. That means it causes the underwriter to spend a long time to handle a new application. This affects the insurance companys reputation and may further induces financial losses or even legal penalties. With the advent of information technology, most of the above activities are linked together to streamline the workflow for processing a new business, starting from receiving documents from an agent, ending at the underwriter getting the case from workflow system and issuing new policy if approved. Some benefits accrued to the business for automating the entire underwriting processes: Improvement of the service quality (such as turnaround time) Reduce of the risk of losing submitted documents during delivery Transfer of applications to the next step of the process immediately Better control of risk management such that some cases (i.e., excess of coverage limit) can only be approved by senior underwriters The key integration of the processes between the agents and the underwriters are as follows. Images and Data Transfer Process This activity is an automated process and does not involve any manual operation unless the sub-system is down or errors / inconsistency occurred during the transfer. The purpose of this process is to transfer the scanned images and indexed data from a branch or zone office to the central office for importing into the workflow system. If the network linkage between a branch or zone office and the central office is a private connection (i.e., leased line), the operation is just a simple transfer of document images into the file server in the central office with an XML file including all the indexed data. If the network connection between both sides is public (i.e., the Internet) and it is not a Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection, then the interactions require other security measures as described in later sections. Import Robot and Workflow Engine They are located at the central office of an insurance company. The engine waits for the image files and XML data to be uploaded from the branch or zone office and verify the XML data integrity with the appropriate XML Schema. The imported document images and indexed data are installed into the existing workflow routing engine for case assignment to appropriate underwriters for further case approval. 2.2. Requirements Overview of Stakeholders In automated underwriting processes architecture, a workflow engine (e.g., eistream [9]) is deployed at the central office. This engine can efficiently route job assignments to appropriate underwriters. The processing performed with the workflow engine is usually referred to as post-processing of the workflow. There are many pre-processing activities, which must be completed before those new insurance applications can be imported into the workflow engine for further underwriting. Figure 2 depicts a use case diagram of the underwriting process. The key stakeholders involved are discussed as follows. Agent He/she is an authorized representative to sell insurance products on behalf of an insurance company. The agents have the responsibilities to perform a simple check first by gathering initial information about prospective clients and screening applications who have requested coverage [4]. They have to gather required documents (such as health certificate) from the prospective client in order to speed up the underwriting process. Email access or Internet portal are the prompt means for agents to communicate with an insurance company. Cashier Entry For a new application of life insurance, the prospect client is required to pay the initial premium in the form of cash or check. The amount of premium is also dependent on the payment mode of the proposed policy. The agent has to submit the initial premium with the application. The cashier entry will collect the initial premium and put a premium receipt record in a Premium Collection System. The Cashier Entry also files the application forms and documents for data entry. Data Entry A user in branch/zone office enters the information recorded on the application form, such as the policy owner information, proposed insured information or medical information, etc., into the underwriting front-end input system. Scanning Officer When a scanning officer receives the documents, including application form, from an agent, he/she will try to sort and classify the documents into different document types (such as health certificates, identity proofs), and then scan them into images for auditable backup as well as indexing and quality check (QC). The application form is scanned just for auditable backup because the data has already been entered. Index and QC Officer After the submitted documents have been scanned into images, the index and QC officers (it may involve two individuals) will try to index the fields on several regions of a scanned image and save the indexed data into the database, so that the indexed data can be adhered with the corresponding images and imported into the workflow system. If the index officer discovers that the image quality of scanned document is not good, the document must be rescanned until the image quality of the document is acceptable for indexing. Underwriter An underwriter is assigned with a case (new or pending case) by the workflow engine. The underwriter carries out an assessment process by considering the submitted documentations, medical information, other personal factors like age, driving history, tobacco use, career nature, and financial factors of the potential client, etc. Then, the underwriter will determine whether the application is approved, pended for additional proofs or documentation, counter-offered to the applicant, or rejected. 2.3. Alert and Exception Handling Although most of the activities starting from submitting documents in branch or zone office to the back-end underwriting processes are automated, there are still many events, both business-oriented and technology-oriented, must be handled in order to streamline and speed up the entire underwriting process. Exceptions are events that can drive not only reactions performed by business parties [6], but also information exchanged within an organization, across physical boundaries (e.g., departments located in different geographical areas) or within (e.g., underwriting department and printing service department located in the same building) individual organizational boundary. In order to handle the exceptions and monitor the exception handling process, (especially those important and / or with urgency requirements), Chiu et al. [6] proposed the use of alerts to model and implement this. The key differences between alerts and exceptions are that alerts represents messages sent to a target, usually with time and urgency constraints, and that alerts are monitored and tracked. That means, to handle an exception, an Alert Management System (AMS) sends an alert message to a handler (human or system) and keeps track of the process until the handling job is finished. In this application, the main objective of applying alerts is the concern about the turnaround time in the insurance application process. Some key exceptions and alerts generated by the main stakeholders are listed as follows. Agent Cancellation of an insurance application can trigger an alert to the central office so that the workflow system can change the application status (if it has been imported into workflow engine) into pending status and no more human resource will be wasted on this application. The application will ultimately be cancelled after the cancellation form is scanned and imported into the workflow system. The AMS can therefore make sure that the case is closed within a reasonable time limit. Cashier Entry An alert can be generated when the agent submits an initial premium payment for the new applicant but only part of initial premium has been settled. The alert can notify the central office underwriter to solve the application case if the case has been pended for the reason of insufficient premium. Scanning Officer Exceptions can be generated if the agent submits unknown type of documents or forms. If the workflow automation system does not know how to handle the unknown type documents or forms, then unknown document alert can notify the corresponding agent about this issue and urge him/her to fix this within a certain period. Index and QC Officer A Document Rescan alert can be generated to the scanning officer if the index officer finds the document image quality is too poor to be indexed. A QC officer can also generate a Reindex alert if he/she found that an index officer did not correctly index the fields on document images. QC officer can also trigger Document Rescan alert if he/she found the quality of document image is unacceptable even the index officer has accepted the quality of document image. Underwriter An Insufficient Initial Premium alert can be generated so that the agent can be notified that the initial premium must be settled before the policy can be issued even all the underwriting checks are passed for the case. This situation may occur when the client paid the initial premium with check but the check could not be cleared. On the other hand, exceptions and alerts can be generated by automated processes, such as the following: Images and Data Transfer Process A Transfer exception can be triggered if the transfer process of images and XML data to the central office file server is not completed or failed/aborted at some points (because of the stability of network connection). An alert can then notify the MIS staff in the branch or zone office to investigate the root cause of transfer failure and resume the transfer process as soon as possible. An alert can be triggered after the transfer process of the branch or zone office is completed successfully, so that the import robot resided on the workflow engine can start the data verification process and import the images and data into workflow system. This helps to shorten the total time for processing of new applications and monitor pending cases. Import Robot and Workflow Engine A Data Inconsistency alert is sent to the agent if the import robot checks that the XML data uploaded from the branch or zone office contains inconsistency after validating with XML schema. This alert urges the agent to repeat or fix the images and data upload process. Workflow Engine An Application Pending alert is triggered to the agent who submitted an application for his/her client when the underwriter changes the new application status to pending because additional documentation is required. This alert urges the agent to contact its customer for the relevant documents before he receives an official document request letter from the insurance company, as applicants may need time to present documents, like health certificates or financial statements issued by banks. 2.4. Relationship management requirements Alerts and exceptions are not only dedicated to handling abnormal or unexpected events. These can be used to enhance the relationship between insurance company and potential customers (B2C). For example: Applicants can be notified by email with the progress of its life insurance application. On the other hand, the agent can contact his applicants promptly after he receives an acknowledgement email. Reminder alerts can be sent to the agent in the form of SMS to remind him/her to contact his/her applicant to collect required additional documents to process a pending application. This helps reduce the risk of insurance application being cancelled after an application has been pending for some time. This is because the customer may not know that insurance company requests more additional documents from him in case the agent does not contact him. This also reduces the chance of giving a negative image to the potential customers of poor services. 3. System Design and Implementation In this section, we present the system design and implementation for our AUS, which includes the system architecture, various system components, Web services security, and an example scenario. 3.1. System Architecture Figure 3 shows the overall system architecture for our AUS. We add on top of the existing enterprise information systems four main components in the backend AUS: Web Services Agent, Message Server, Alert Management System (AMS), and Event-Condition-Action (ECA) rules database that defines the actions to be triggered under some predefined conditions. We discuss the functionalities of these components in the following subsections. One of the main problems in the current process automation is the effectiveness of communication among different stakeholders and systems involved in the entire process of underwriting. Based on the above discussions, we design an AUS based on exceptions and alerts as the unifying communication platform within the entire underwriting processes. On this platform, we choose to use Web Services with SOAP protocol for the communication and Message Server (such as Microsoft MSMQ [8]) for the underlying message (exceptions and alerts) processing. The reasons why we choose Web services with SOAP protocol in our platform are as follows: Web services can be invoked over the Internet or intranet, within or outside the firewall. For example, some processes like document scanning or image indexing may be located in the central office or outsourced to other service providers. Less development time is required to deploy Web service features from existing application, especially with the tools and libraries provided. It supports synchronous (RPC) and asynchronous messaging. SOAP has been implemented on many different hardware and software platforms. SOAP can be protected under the Web Service security [7] standard. 3.2. Web Services Agent In our system, Web services technology is chosen to support the communication between the AUS backend systems and other front-end, sub-systems in branches and zone offices, as well as external agents and clients. The Web Services Agent transforms the incoming messages, which are in the form of XML data embedded in SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) [14], into native message formats that can be sent into the queues of the central message server. The Web Services Agent also transforms the alerts and exceptions from the form of native message format into the XML/SOAP format and uses HTTP protocol to send the XML message to the branch/zone offices systems through respective Web services. A sample SOAP messages from a client system is shown in Figure 4. This message describes the indexed data and images to be uploaded to the file server in the insurance headquarter after scanning operations have been performed on the submitted documents in branch and zone offices. Figure 5 shows a response message from the AUS that describes an alert from the Transfer Module in a branch or zone office and notifies the MIS staff to handle the exception. 3.3. Message Server The message server comprises of application queues and system queues and the server manages the received data (i.e., incoming XML/SOAP messages, internal MSMQ messages from other enterprise systems, and alert messages from the AMS and routes the messages to the target (subscribed) parties. For example, when the Transfer Module sends a Web service message to the AUS, the message is put into two waiting queues: one for the Import Robot and another for the AMS (so that the AMS can monitor the progress of the Import Robot). When the Import Robot has verified the integrity of uploaded data and images, it sends a message to inform the AMS of job completion, or a Data Inconsistency alert in case of data inconsistency. These messages triggers events so that the AMS issues new alert/exception messages upon on the conditions in the event repository database to related parties for further actions (as discussed in Section 2.3) based on the ECA rules defined by the administrators. The reasons why we choose the Message Server as a core component in managing data communication are as follows: Most of the message servers support Web service functionality. Message servers support guaranteed message delivery. Asynchronous message communication as well as publish-and-subscribe can be supported. 3.4. Alert Management System (AMS) The main role of the AMS is to manage the alerts. It also captures the events and exceptions (i.e., MSMQ native message format) submitted by other parties. Alerts are generated based on the ECA rules specified in database to the appropriate parties. It further transforms the alerts into a MSMQ message and put it on the waiting queue for Web Services Agent for the delivery. Further details of the mechanism of the AMS, including descriptions of the ECA rules, can be found in our earlier paper [6]. We apply the same AMS module except that we include a message server component to further increase the messaging reliability. 3.5. Example Scenario In this subsection, we use a scenario to illustrate the system flow in our AUS. Figure 6 depicts the process flow for this scenario. First, a Scan Station prepares a XML data file which contains the policy number and other indexed data for the scanned documents. When the XML file is ready, the Transfer Module uploads the XML file and document image files into the central file server. Upon completion, the Transfer Module generates a SOAP message, which details the uploaded data to Web Services Agent in order to notify the Import Robot to verify the integrity of uploaded data and images. After the verification, the Import Robot generates the verification result event and the AMS captures the data uploaded event from the Transfer Module together with the event generated by the Import Robot, and returns the appropriate events back to the Scan Station and Scan Officer based on ECA rules processing. 3.6. Web Service Security Web services integrate applications inside and outside the organization. However, distributed computing always has a challenging set of security issues. Identities and messages are two of the greatest security challenges brought on by Web services. Web services transport potential unknown entities into your organization and messages are transported from one place to another place through an unsecured channel, the Internet. Therefore, actions must be taken to safeguard the information exchanged among the authenticated parties. XML Encryption and XML Signature are used to address the protection of sensitive data and the identification of identity of data sender respectively [15]. Figure 7 shows an unprotected SOAP message that contains payment information for an insurance policy. Figure 8 shows how encrypted messages and signature are put in a SOAP envelop. The element block contains the encrypted form of payment information. The element contains the XML signature for payment data. In general, a shared key must be provided so that receiver of the messages can decrypt the protected data. However, it is a bad idea to include the key in the SOAP message (i.e., the element block) because unauthorized parties could just get the key and decrypt the protected data. AgreementMethod is a protocol for safely communicating a secret key. This key agreement protocol, like the SSL secret key agreement protocol, is used to generate the encryption key along with the key material necessary to repeat the encryption key generation on the recipients side [15]. 4. Discussion and Summary Process automation by integrating existing enterprise information systems with workflow software has proved to increase the staff productivity, thus turns out to generate more business values in terms of more revenue and less expenditure. However, if the process flow within a business workflow from one step to next step is not smoothly executed (e.g., failure of transferring complete XML data to workflow engine and servers but no further resend action is done), then the next step may not be able to proceed until the problem is detected and fixed. This kind of situations significantly wastes human resource and time and should are not expected to occur in automated processes. Therefore, by integrating the AUS with the existing workflow infra-structures can bring the workflow automation into full play because the errors or unexpected events can be detected and relevant parties or processes are notified with alerts to rectify the problems. The following tangible benefits can be achieved with the AUS, mainly through the enhanced monitoring and tracking through the AMS with a service-oriented architecture. For example, the turnaround time taken to rescan documents, which have been identified as poorly scanned, is shortened. If the scanning officer is not notified properly, the poorly scanned document will probably be rescanned after the scanning officer triggers to print out a report on listing those document rescan requests, thus resulting in longer processing time in some cases. This benefit is also applicable to the process of Document Reindex for the index officers. Moreover, the AUS helps maintain data integrity in uploading data into the centralized file server. If the XML data is inconsistent and the import robot still proceeds to import the inconsistent data into workflow engine, it will result in unexpected or serious consequences. The consequences may be a delay in processing applications or even a wrongly underwritten insurance application that could put financial risk to insurance company. On the other hand, more attributes can be added to measure staff performance. Since the alerts generated to officers and agents are monitored by the AMS, the time spent on handling the exceptions and alerts can be calculated based on the time recorded in database. For example, if a scanning officer receives a document rescan alert, then he must rescan the requested documents and relevant records within the document update time. The performance is logged into database and reports for staff can include this kind of attributes to measure the staff performance. So, the workload on investigating problems related to the entire operation flow can be reduced as detailed information about the problems can be found from the exceptions and alerts well managed by the AMS of the AUS. In addition, the following intangible benefit can be achieved with the AUS. Customer satisfaction can be improved. The document processing and flow are smoothly controlled and executed. This can shorten the entire processing time for new case applications and thus result in issuing and sending policy to policy owner within a shorter period of time. This can enhance the insurance companys professional image as well because the short processing time of new insurance application can impress its customers and improve the customers confidence in insurance company. This might led to more business opportunities in the future. This paper has presented an overview of underwriting process in an insurance company and the automated facilities incorporated into the underwriting process to drive the entire underwriting. A Web-service based alert-enhanced underwriting system has been presented in this paper to overcome most of the existing problems of the underwriting process workflow implementation. We expect this approach is suitable to other business processes that involve human approval together with the need for maintaining documents for auditing and legal purposes, such as loan and credit card approval. After finishing the AUS platform prototype, we shall then proceed to study the benefits of adopting the platform in existing workflow infra-structures in the insurance companys perspective through questionnaires to collect user feedback. Although the proposed platform obviously facilitates the handling of most problems or events in the process flow of underwriting, there are still some unexpected events that are hardly to be detected or tracked. Further studies should be carried out on this topic. Future works include the extension of AUS platform to support artificial intelligence in handling the exception events as well as agent-based assistance to internal staff and external users. We are also interested in empirical measurements of the improvement of staff performance and customer satisfaction. References Miriam Orsina, Gene Stone, Insurance Company Operations (2nd Ed), pp.3, LOMA, 1999 Harriett E. Jones, Dani L. Long, Principles of Insurance: Life, Health and Annuities (2nd Ed), pp. 8, LOMA, 1999 Jane Lightcap Brown, Kristen L. Falk, Insurance Administration, (2nd Ed), pp. 22, LOMA, 2002 Jane Lightcap Brown, Kristen L. Falk, Insurance Administration, (2nd Ed), pp. 67, LOMA, 2002 Miriam Orsina, Gene Stone, Insurance Company Operations (2nd Ed), pp.243
Friday, October 25, 2019
Essay --
Most developing countries face tough challenges to grow in consequences of the poverty trap: counting limited access to credit and capital markets, inefficient and corrupted governance, and fundamentally a lack of opportunities for them to escape from the poverty thread wheel. And Peru located in South America had not been an exception in this scenario up till the informal housing emerged. In the book named the other path, the author demonstrates an interesting study in Peru’s case of the informal housing that ultimately advanced the urban development. And his assertion implies to be very convincing; however, some may argue that outcomes of urban development through informal housing may be highly complicated and risky. Thus, it would be appropriate for the Peruvian government to find ways to prevent any additional informal housing complications in Peru and combine its policies to upgrade its citizens’ quality of life; focusing on human development and economic developm ent simultaneously. The author, Hernando de Soto, describes how the urban development has highly evolved in Peru, essentially through informal housing; informal meaning as basically against the law. According to the author, informal housing did not accidentally happened in the Peruvian society; despite everything planned in advance since the poor desperately sought for their own opportunities and property rights that the Peruvian government was not able to administer. Informality arose as a result of Peruvian citizens’ responses to the state’s incapacity to satisfy the basic needs of the impoverished masses. Hence the Peruvian citizens had to violate the law in order to build shelters and develop their own neighborhoods, building infrastructure in their own after il... ...ional steps to advance the quality of its people’s lives in consideration of the human development, providing enhanced public services or social welfares for an example. Hernando de Soto’s argument assures the unavoidable informal progress in urban areas in Peru because of inefficient governmental policies on informal housing. As the author argues, perhaps the informal housing did successfully contributed to give chances to the poor; however, in order to minimize the loss and disadvantages, the government absolutely needs to prevent further informal housing along with policies focusing on the human development meanwhile. His emphasis also leaves big questions, such as how much positive impacts do the poor really get from the credit market, along with how Peru’s informal development case can be replicated in other developing countries without negative ramifications.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Student Version of Decleration of Independence
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for students to break off with their parents and teachers and to become independent; they must explain why they deserve to be independent to the rest of the world. This requires us, as students to write our own Declaration of Independence for the rest of the world to see and comprehend why we should be and will be independent to show our oppression against our teachers. To begin with, it is obvious that all students are created equal and are given by their creator the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of whatever makes them happy.To get these rights, teachers should allow students do as they wish. However, when teachers begin a long train of mistreatment and machination against students with their communistic ways and Pearl Harbor sneak attacks with discipline it shows they only want to control every aspect of our lives. Do we not deserve respect? It is the duty and right of us sapient students to get rid of the control o ur fastidious teachers have over the students and our school.Furthermore, students have been very patient with the teachers and faculty of South Gwinnett High School, but with such a long history of mistreatment, headache and constant nagging from the staff it is only right that the rest of the world finds out what has been happening. It has rained so long, it seems as though it has rained for 40 days and nights. They give us repeated pointless referrals; they give us way too much work with no time to finish. Staff are constantly questioning students in the hallways and telling us what to wear.They tell us when we can or cannot use the restroom; they tell us that we only have six minutes to get to each class, which is not enough time. Our lockers are too small and our lunches are inedible. They refuse to let us go off campus for lunch, and they refuse to let us self-checkout anymore. They punish us if we do not make it to class on time by going to the tardy room, and they punish us for gratuitous reasons that were unfair and not our fault. Even after all of this mistreatment, the students including myself have expressed how we felt to our teachers.However, our complaints have fallen flat. And as usual we have been shunned and ignored. We have even brought our situation to the ears of administrators, teachers from different schools and parents, but we have been muted. A petition to ease the dictatorship of our teachers was refused by many. Some even attempted to post posters illustrating how the students felt. Students even tried going on strike, refusing to go to classes. Meetings to try and sit down with the faculty of South Gwinnett to discuss the matter were ignored as well.The betrayal was stern. Do we not deserve respect? Though, now we must announce that we are accommodating in this debauchery and separating ourselves from the school as a whole to become more independent and liberated. We, therefore the students and representative of South Gwinnett High School in Snellville Georgia present these facts to the rest of the country and the world for freedom. And with this, the students of South Gwinnett write and declare that we are now independent from South Gwinnett High School.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
 Benefits of encouraging and rewarding positive behaviour Essay
When it comes to behaviour it can be easy to focus on what we need to stop children from doing. The problem with this approach is that it does not help children know what they should be doing. This means that nowadays there is much more emphasis on encouraging positive behaviour . A good starting point is to think about the positive behaviour or goals that you should be encouraging in children. This may be outlined in your settings policy or you may need to observe what other staff seem to encourage. If you are working in a setting that several ages of children notice the way in which there are different expectations according to the age of the children Why encouraging and rewarding positive behaviour works 1. It helps children to learn what they need to do 2. It creates calmer environment and stronger relationships 3. Children respond well 4. Children learn from adults Skills and techniques for positive behaviour 1. Rewards 2. Attention 3. Praise 4. Star charts 5. Being given responsibility 6. Treats 7. Stickers 8. Timing 9. Explanation 10. Public acknowledged Settings for children and young people Children centres children aged 0-5yrs Day care facilcity children ages 0-5yrs A home setting children aged 0-8yrs Extended care children and young people 4-16yrs Youth activity club young 11-16yrs A reception class ks1 in a primary school A crà ¨che for children up to the age up to 5yrs Attention seeking What a child does Many children show attention seeking behaviour at times . it can be a sign of insecurity or in some cases mean that children have become used to having a lot of adult attention How to deal with it It is often best to ignore attention seeking behaviour unless it is dangerous as by challenging it you may be teaching children that they can get attention this way Biting What a child does Many toddlers bite especially if they are in group care. Biting is often linked to frustration and can become a habit How to deal with it Act immediately Give the victim attention first Once a child has bitten, it is likely that another bite will follow Behaviour problems that should be referred Biting, aggression, change of behaviour ,self-harming, bullying It is unusual for most settings to try a few strategies’ first before referring to other professionals sometimes unwanted behaviour is a result of a medical condition or learning difficulty while others might be linked to emotional difficulty that the child has table 2 shows some of the pros who may support the child and their family. GP family doctor This is often the first part of call as the family doctor will able to refer to others. Health visitor A health visitor may visit the family at home and give some advice. Educational physcologist The educational physcologist will look at the children’s learning and behaviour. Child psychiatrist A child psychiatrist will help children who may have metal health issues. Family counsellor A family counsellor may help work with whole family and child. Play therapist Children who have had some trauma may see a play therapist so that they can work on what has happened.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Breast Cancer
In this essay I will be discussing a very serious issue that affects thousands of women each year; breast cancer. Breast cancer is the leading cause of death of women between the ages of 40 and 49 in North America. This paper will go on to talk about the facts of the disease and who is at risk, prevention, detection and treatments. Although there is no known cure for breast cancer, knowledge of the disease is sure to save many lives. For many women, breasts are a very visible symbol of femininity, â€Å" a focal point of sexuality or fashion as well as a proud source of nurturing new life. For others, the breast is a body part shrouded by custom and religious taboos†. Breasts are made up of several kinds of cells: adipose (fatty tissue), stroma (connective tissue), and the epithelium that forms milk-producing glands. Breast size depends on heredity and body weight. A common misconception is that the larger the breast the greater the risk for breast cancer. VERY UNTRUE. There is not just one contributing factor to the existence of breast cancer. There are numerous causes and by studying these factors we can see who is at high risk. Women between the ages of 25-29 who have used or are using oral contraceptives are 16% more likely to develop breast cancer. As a woman’s age increases so does her risk. For example an 80 year old woman has a 1 in 10 chance of getting breast cancer, while a 25 year old woman has a 1 in 19,608 chance of getting the disease. Only 5-10% of women who develop breast cancer has a family history of the disease. The delivery of a child before the age of 20 causes hormonal changes in the breast tissue which provides modest protection against breast cancer. Delaying the first child until after the age of 30 or not having any children at all increases the risk of breast cancer 2 to 4 times. It could be said that having children might save your life as it has also been proven that breast-feeding... Free Essays on Breast Cancer Free Essays on Breast Cancer Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women, it accounts for one of every three diagnoses in the United States. Breast cancers are malignancies, life threatening tumors that develops in one or both breasts. A female breast consists of fatty and fibrous connective tissues. The interior of the breast is divided into about twenty different sections called lobes. Each of the lobes is further divided in to lobules, which are structures that contain small milk-producing glands. These glands place the milk into tiny ducts. These ducts take the milk through out the breast and store in a chamber located below the nipple. Breast cancer can either be invasive (spreading) or noninvasive (non-spreading). An invasive cancer penetrates the wall of a duct. This type of cancer is the most common, constituting about seventy percent of all cases. Infiltrating lobular cancer that spreads through a wall of a lobule accounts for about eight percent of all breast cancer. This type is likely to appear in both of the breast, often in seven separate locations. The cause of breast cancer is unknown but researchers are suggesting that estrogen, a hormone produced by the ovaries, may be involved. Studies suggest that the longer a women is exposed to the hormone (i.e. If she starts to menstruate before the age of twelve or if she went through menopause after the age of fifty-five and/or had children after the age of thirty) are at a greater risk. Recently two breast cancer susceptibility genes have been identified. The first one is BRCA1 (a flaw in this gene is common to those who have breast cancer) and the second is BRCA2 (a defect in this gene is associated with breast cancer alone). People who have a mutated BRCA1 gene have an eighty-six percent risk of developing breast cancer by the age of seventy. Women are one hundred times more likely to get breast cancer than men. More than eighty percent of breast cancer occur in women over the ag... Free Essays on Breast Cancer In this essay I will be discussing a very serious issue that affects thousands of women each year; breast cancer. Breast cancer is the leading cause of death of women between the ages of 40 and 49 in North America. This paper will go on to talk about the facts of the disease and who is at risk, prevention, detection and treatments. Although there is no known cure for breast cancer, knowledge of the disease is sure to save many lives. For many women, breasts are a very visible symbol of femininity, â€Å" a focal point of sexuality or fashion as well as a proud source of nurturing new life. For others, the breast is a body part shrouded by custom and religious taboos†. Breasts are made up of several kinds of cells: adipose (fatty tissue), stroma (connective tissue), and the epithelium that forms milk-producing glands. Breast size depends on heredity and body weight. A common misconception is that the larger the breast the greater the risk for breast cancer. VERY UNTRUE. There is not just one contributing factor to the existence of breast cancer. There are numerous causes and by studying these factors we can see who is at high risk. Women between the ages of 25-29 who have used or are using oral contraceptives are 16% more likely to develop breast cancer. As a woman’s age increases so does her risk. For example an 80 year old woman has a 1 in 10 chance of getting breast cancer, while a 25 year old woman has a 1 in 19,608 chance of getting the disease. Only 5-10% of women who develop breast cancer has a family history of the disease. The delivery of a child before the age of 20 causes hormonal changes in the breast tissue which provides modest protection against breast cancer. Delaying the first child until after the age of 30 or not having any children at all increases the risk of breast cancer 2 to 4 times. It could be said that having children might save your life as it has also been proven that breast-feeding...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Biography of Amalasuntha, Queen of the Ostrogoths
Biography of Amalasuntha, Queen of the Ostrogoths We have three sources for the details of Amalasunthas life and rule: the histories of Procopius, the Gothic History of Jordanes (a summary version of a lost book by Cassiodorus), and the letters of Cassiodorus. All were written shortly after the Ostrogothic kingdom in Italy was defeated. Gregory of Tours, writing in the later 6th century, also mentions Amalasuntha. Procopius version of events, however, has many inconsistencies. In one account Procopius praises the virtue of Amalasuntha; in another, he accuses her of manipulation. In his version of this history, Procopius makes the Empress Theodora complicit in Amalasunthas death but he is often focused on depicting the Empress as a great manipulator. Known for: ruler of the Ostrogoths, first as regent for her sonDates: 498-535 (reigned 526-534)Religion: Arian ChristianAlso known as: Amalasuentha, Amalasvintha, Amalasvente, Amalasontha, Amalasonte, Queen of the Goths, Queen of the Ostrogoths, Gothic Queen, Regent Queen Background and Early Life Amalasuntha was the daughter of Theodoric the Great, king of the Ostrogoths, who had taken power in Italy with the support of the eastern emperor. Her mother was Audofleda, whose brother, Clovis I, was the first king to unite the Franks, and whose wife, Saint Clotilde, is credited with bringing Clovis into the Roman Catholic Christian fold. Amalasunthas cousins thus included the warring sons of Clovis and Clovis daughter, also named Clotilde, who married Amalasunthas half-nephew, Amalaric of the Goths. She was apparently well educated, speaking Latin, Greek, and Gothic fluently. Marriage and Regency Amalasuntha was married to Eutharic, a Goth from Spain, who died in 522. They had two children; their son was Athalaric. When Theodoric died in 526, his heir was Amalasunthas son Athalaric. Because Athalaric was only ten, Amalasuntha became regent for him. After Athalarics death while still a child, Amalasuntha joined forces with the next closest heir to the throne, her cousin Theodahad or Theodad (sometimes called her husband in accounts of her rule). With the advice and support of her minister Cassiodorus, who had also been an advisor to her father, Amalasuntha seems to have continued a close relationship with the Byzantine emperor, now Justinian as when she permitted Justinian to use Sicily as a base for Belisarius invasion of the Vandals in North Africa. Opposition by the Ostrogoths Perhaps with Justinians and Theodahads support or manipulation, Ostrogoth nobles opposed Amalasunthas policies. When her son was alive, these same opponents had protested her giving her son a Roman, classical education, and instead had insisted that he receive training as a soldier. Eventually, the nobles rebelled against Amalasuntha, and exiled her to Bolsena in Tuscany in 534, ending her reign. There, she was later strangled by relatives of some men she had earlier ordered killed. Her murder probably was undertaken with her cousins approval Theodahad may have had reason to believe that Justinian wanted Amalasuntha removed from power. The Gothic War But after Amalasunthas murder, Justinian sent Belisarius to launch the Gothic War, retaking Italy and deposing Theodahad. Amalasuntha also had a daughter, Matasuntha or Matasuentha (among other renderings of her name). She apparently married Witigus, who briefly reigned after Theodahads death. She was then married to Justinians nephew or cousin, Germanus, and was made a Patrician Ordinary. Gregory of Tours, in his History of the Franks, mentions Amalasuntha and tells a story, which is most likely not historical, of Amalasuntha eloping with a slave who was then killed by her mothers representatives and then of Amalasuntha killing her mother by putting poison in her communion chalice. Procopius About Amalasuntha An excerpt from Procopius of Caesaria: The Secret History How Theodora treated those who offended her will now be shown, though again I can give only a few instances, or obviously there would be no end to the demonstration.When Amasalontha decided to save her life by surrendering her queendom over the Goths and retiring to Constantinople (as I have related elsewhere), Theodora, reflecting that the lady was well-born and a Queen, more than easy to look at and a marvel at planning intrigues, became suspicious of her charms and audacity: and fearing her husbands fickleness, she became not a little jealous, and determined to ensnare the lady to her doom.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Personal Essay Example about Happiness What Happiness Means to Me
Personal Essay Example about Happiness What Happiness Means to Me This sample essay about happiness will give you the idea of what essay about happiness should look like. In the future, you may use it as the idea for your written project about happiness. Perhaps its safe to say that most people want to be happy. They want to enjoy being here in this big, crazy, confusing world. But too many people struggle with being truly happy. They cant seem to find happiness in life. To them, it is something that doesnt just come naturally. Fortunately, there are plenty of strategies people can use to create happiness, or at least strive for it. It really depends on ones desire always to feel joy, to feel gratitude even when it is difficult to find, to have the right people by the side, and an exciting job – or at least a hobby – that they feel good about doing, that somehow brings meaning, direction, and purpose into their lives. PERSUASIVE ESSAY EXAMPLE: IS EDGAR POES THE TELL-TALE HEART TOLD BY UNRELIABLE NARRATOR? Happiness doesnt happen out of anywhere – it has to be worked on; it has to be produced, created, discovered, built from the ground up. And it has to be a decision in ones mind: the decision to be happy. The procedure is quite simple, believe it or not. One must have a conviction to be happy no matter what trouble life throws at them. Sometimes, life can undoubtedly disrupt a persons happiness, getting in the way of them enjoying every day of it, with all the countless and never-ending mishaps and suffering. Happiness is a special feeling, something that comes to those who expect it and, therefore, deserve it. Having gratitude – the quality of being thankful; a readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness – is another way people of all cultures cultivate happiness. Instead of focusing their mental and spiritual energy on negative things, like bills, financial problems, health issues, happy people focus on being alive and not decrepit, having people to love and support them, waking up in the morning, having a purpose of pursuing, being able to breathe and think and eat and pray and love. They are grateful for anything and everything. Happy people make gratitude a daily habit, even a ritual. You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life. Albert Camus People are so lonely much of their lives that they fail to recognize toxicity in their relationships. Cynical, selfish, and untrustworthy people do their friends more harm just by being around them. Life is pretty lonely, and people are lonely. Some people die alone soon after they are brought into this world. But happy people dont focus on this. They focus on building healthy, happy relationships with people because they know how essential relations are to their quality of life, if not only for this reason. People need the company of others to reduce their feelings of loneliness, which could likely cause one to dwell on negative things, like death, problems, and hardships, etc. So people must be conscientious and picky and skeptical when getting close to people and allowing strangers into their lives. Not everyone has good intentions. Many exploit others kindness. It happens to the best people out there. Happiness also is dependent upon how one spends their time, as in their job. Most of the workers spend at least 40 hours working each week; thats at least 160 hours a month, and close to – if not more than – 2,000 hours a year doing their job. This means that to be happy, one may have to make crucial decisions regarding the job or career they choose. If the job makes them a worse person the one they dont want to be if this job causes them to resent their life, they should probably look for another post. It doesnt make them happy, it doesnt fulfill them – and it detracts from their happiness. In conclusion, happiness can most certainly be found – and not just momentary pleasure, but genuine, long-lasting happiness, which is not something that comes to a person randomly. In fact, most people have to work very hard for a very long time to finally find happiness, to create the best possible version of it. Moreover, it is something that any person can build on their own. It is not unattainable. Happiness can happen to anyone, mostly because everyone deserves to be happy. Did you like this essay? Here are some other essay samples to get inspired and write your own work: INFORMATIVE ESSAY EXAMPLE  EXPOSITORY ESSAY EXAMPLE Weve got a lot of sample essays for your inspiration. However, if you need your academic writing assignment to be done by professional writers, researchers, and editors, place an order and get your essay written on time and at the highest quality level.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Nasa Safety Program Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Nasa Safety Program - Research Paper Example Space flight deals with space transportation; space tracking and data for tracking space data and finally the space station (NASA, 2010). It is headed by the administrator who is appointed by the president with the consent of the senate. The administrator and their deputy are restricted from performing other duties other those of the NASA. It is a partnership with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the defense department and aviation industry. NASA was created by Daniel S. Goldin in response to a report aired about aviation security and safety in White House Commission. It was part of the Three Pillars for Success and focused on achieving aeronautics and space transportation technology national priorities (NASA, 2010). NASA focusses on making air transport to be the safest mode of transportation in America. It also focuses on decreasing the injuries. It includes research on reduction of accidents and incidents caused by human error, predict and prevent software and mechanical malfunctions and eliminating hazardous weather accidents. They also enable flights to controlled terrains. The program uses information technology to build safer aviation systems for pilots and air traffic controllers. The FAA helps to come up requirements and enact the safety standards while Defense Department shares the technology developments and apply the safety standards on the military aircraft. The central mission of NASA is to advance the state aviation safety (Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board et al, 2008). Safety program examines the total lifecycle of a process or system. They apply professional and skills from engineering, mathematics, physical and other sciences to specify, predict and evaluate the functioning and safety of systems and facilities. To determine these they use the knowledge of a system requirements, design, and planning, activation, construction, disposal and operation phases. They have goals to provide safe systems.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Critically evaluate the PESTLE and SWOT tools and discuss when it Assignment
Critically evaluate the PESTLE and SWOT tools and discuss when it would be appropriate for a strategic HRBP to them. Support you - Assignment Example It will also discuss another relevant theory with regard to its application in HR field. PESTLE/PEST PESTLE/PEST analysis explores different external macro-environmental situations such as political, economical, social, and technological factors in which the firm operates (PEST analysis). In other words, the PEST analysis is an overall environmental scan so as to assess opportunities and threats in the external environment. PEST analysis is a widely adopted concept and it has large number of applications as listed below; Business planning: this tool gives accurate information to management regarding targets toward the development of new products. Marketing planning: it also improves marketing planning process by providing valuable elements in a situation analysis phase. SWOT is the acronym of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It is a globally accepted concept that explores internal organizational factors such as strengths and weaknesses and external environmental fac tors such as opportunities and threats of a project. The SWOT analysis provides beneficial information whether a firm’s resources and potentials fit with the competitive environment in which it operates (SWOT analysis). Main applications of this concept are discussed below Strengths such as patents, reputation, and strong brand name; and weaknesses like poor brand name and high cost structure can be identified. Arrival of new technologies and withdrawal of regulations are some of the opportunities to a business whereas trade barriers and introduction of substitute products are threats. SWOT analysis focuses on these issues also. In addition, there are a lot of advantages and disadvantages to both techniques. Firstly, both these methods are easy to understand and simple to operate. PEST tool is very effective for assessing external changes in the case of multinational companies. The SWOT analysis is suggestible to achieve organizational mission while PEST analysis brings a cle ar picture of business’ external environment. A SWOT analysis can be performed by anyone who has adequate information regarding the day to day operation of the business and the market; hence it is a cost effective method. At the same time, a PEST analysis develops strategic thinking and clearly points out the threats to a business. Similarly, PEST tool would assist the organization to avert future difficulties. Although the simplicity of SWOT analysis is beneficial for a firm to reduce related expenses, it also eliminates the possibility of a critical presentation. Since the SWOT analysis does not assess the degree of threats and opportunities, the results obtained from this method require further research in order to get a comprehensive picture. The rapid changing nature of society raises many difficulties to PEST analysis in anticipating future developments. According to Haughey, PEST analysis tends to rely on assumption and therefore, it would minimise the accuracy of outc omes. In the opinion of Rabin (1999), Organisational downsizing is a management strategy that aims to focus more on the business activities by reshaping the firm’s structure into a smaller size. By downsizing the organisation, the management can terminate employees with poor performance; and it is possible to maintain a group of potential workers. The SWOT and PEST analyses greatly contribute to
Women during the Second World War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Women during the Second World War - Essay Example This paper looks at the complaints of comfort women during World War II and their demands for compensation as payment for their sufferings when they were repeatedly raped and were exposed to non-human treatments. At the same instance, the study uncovers the reasons whether the denial of the Japanese government to accept responsibility for the conditions of the comfort women is justified. To establish pieces of evidence to support justifications of both parties, the study uses data gathering through a review of kinds of literature from published sources, both primary and secondary. There are many pieces of evidence found in the literature archives that showed women were in the brothels army camp but none of these directly link the response to the Japanese government. There were also photos found showing former comfort women, now in their 80’s standing in protest rallies. On the other hand, there are hard pieces of evidence on the part of the Japanese government that sustains th eir position of denial. On the basis of pieces of evidence, the study concludes that the Japanese government did not violate any international law on armed conflict as rape is one of the atrocities of war. A recommendation on further study of the law on armed conflict is suggested to avoid recurrence of the situation in the future.
Reflection on a recent media-related news item Essay - 1
Reflection on a recent media-related news item - Essay Example agency based in Toronto initially known for inventing Catvertising receives another honor of having being the pioneers and originators of Reactvertising (Wheaton, 2014). John St describes Reactvertising as not as the art of fun or being smart but having the ability to work faster on advertisement. Working faster and maintaining the standards appears to be the primary concern of many of the speed writers in the promotional video (Wheaton, 2014). The respondents raise their concern if they are to write whatever pops in their minds or ignore the old style of thinking and adopt Reactivism. According to one of the client’s testimonial, in the video the John saint provisions state that no one has better thinking than others do (Wheaton, 2014). Social media are changing the dynamics of contents in marketing and advertisement. The historical ways of advertisement were procedural from the warehouses to the advertisement Medias like the newspaper broadcasts or radio and televisions. The dynamics in marketing in the social media such as Facebook and twitter have since improved the speed of advertising with communications between brands and customers being direct. Wheaton, K. (2014). The Next Logical Step in Real-Time Marketing: Reactvertising. Retrieved on November 3, 2014, from
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Female Issues in Streetcar and Hedda Movie Review
Female Issues in Streetcar and Hedda - Movie Review Example She fabricated lies to make herself look good and hide her weakness. She presented herself as someone with breeding and educated background although in reality, she was an alcoholic and a former prostitute who had a penchant for seducing younger men. Her husband committed suicide when she insulted him after her discovery of his homosexuality. She seemed to believe her delusions to be the truth because the lies gave her the life she dreams of living. She was desperately looking for someone who would shower her with kindness and end her loneliness. Stella's husband, Stanley, though, despised Blanche's phony glamour and affectations and discovered her checkered past. He wanted to put her in her place and he confronted her with the truth when they were left alone. In the battle of wills and passionate rage, Stanley raped Blanche. This finally brought Blanche over the edge and deep into madness. Hedda Gabler Tesman (Hedda Gabler), daughter of an aristocratic general who belongs to the suburban, middle-class family at the turn of the century (1890's) was a strong-willed woman who would get what she wanted. She projected the image of a much-admired lady and was presumed to be an ideal housewife for the academician George Tesman. Although she secretly despised the passive George, she married him on the belief that he would be able to provide her with a comfortable and luxurious life based on his future expectations as a University Professor. George's coveted position though was threatened by the arrival of a colleague, Ejlert Lovborg, who was also romantically involved with Hedda in the past. Lovborg unleashed the inner passions of Hedda but she turned him away because he represented everything that was against her ideals of a husband. To add injury to the insult, Lovborg had a turnaround with the influence of Mrs. Thea Elvsted whom Hedda has hated since their school years. He dda held a deep-seated jealousy of Thea's comfortable and natural femininity. The much hyped about publication of Lovborg's latest work was presumed to give him the boost to overtake the promotion of George Tesman. Thea was helping Lovborg in the publication of his work. Lovborg, however, during one of his drinking sprees, lost the manuscript. Hedda deceptively got hold of them and burned them. Lovborg confessed to Hedda about the lost manuscript and Hedda, the manipulative lady, played on Lovborg's disturbed state of mind and gave him the pistol which he later used to kill himself. In Hedda's mind, Lovborg death would give her the freedom to enjoy the beautiful life she so desired. However, she was jolted back to reality when she was told by Judge Barack, a sinister man who had hidden desire for Hedda that Lovborg did not die of suicide and hinted that he knew where the pistol that Lovborg used came from. This was the final blow to Hedda's dreams and she committed suicide. The two films had depicted the struggles of the two women heroines to reconcile what they thought would become of their lives (their dreams) with what they had become
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The Importance of Marketing for Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Importance of Marketing for Business - Essay Example But Nike’s marketing success has more to it than just promotional hype. Nike gives its customers far more than just good sports gear. They make sure the customer doesn’t just wear his Nikes, he experiences it. Nike doesn’t just market sports shoes or athletic wear; it markets a way of life (Kotler). The Nike examples proves that through smart and innovative marketing businesses can create value for customers, build strong customer relationships and capture value from them in return. The importance of marketing to businesses: Helps businesses create value for customers: Marketing helps a business in creating value for its customers. Most companies today implement customer driven marketing strategies which allow them to create value for target customers. The process can be better understood through the following diagram: 1 Companies today identify and select marketing segments, develop products and marketing programs targeted to each and focus on the buyers who hav e more interest in the values that they create the best. They then decide on a value proposition by differentiating the market offering and positioning it in the minds of the target customers. Helps businesses create lasting relationships: The customer relationship management part of marketing is about maintaining and building profitable business relationships by delivering superior customer value and satisfaction. Just as companies are being very choosy about which customers to serve, they are serving the chosen customers in a more lasting way. Marketing today has become an art of finding, retaining and multiplying profitable customers Relating Directly: Apart from helping companies connect more deeply with their customers, marketing also helps companies connect to customers more directly. It helps customers buy virtually everything without going to a store through telephone, online, mail order catalogs etc. In fact, such has been the success of direct marketing that some companies such as Dell only use the direct channel to sell their products (Kotler). Social CRM: Marketing also helps businesses build strong, lasting and profitable relationships with customers through social media. The benefits that businesses achieve by effective use of social media are: 1. By effective use of social media companies can quickly build a network of core customers and supporters (Richardson). The feedback that loyal customers can provide is extremely valuable to businesses and can sometimes lead to major improvements in how a business offers a product or a service. Networks of loyal followers such as these can also help the company find new customers by referring the company’s product or service to others if they are pleased with what they have found. 2. Social media also helps a company attract more traffic to its website. The more traffic the company’s website continually obtains, the higher its ranking grows amongst the search engines (Richardson). High ranki ng with the search engines, in turn, helps the company attain better online exposure and visibility. More traffic to the company’s website also helps the company spread information about new products and services quicker 3. Apart from attracting useful feedback social
Female Issues in Streetcar and Hedda Movie Review
Female Issues in Streetcar and Hedda - Movie Review Example She fabricated lies to make herself look good and hide her weakness. She presented herself as someone with breeding and educated background although in reality, she was an alcoholic and a former prostitute who had a penchant for seducing younger men. Her husband committed suicide when she insulted him after her discovery of his homosexuality. She seemed to believe her delusions to be the truth because the lies gave her the life she dreams of living. She was desperately looking for someone who would shower her with kindness and end her loneliness. Stella's husband, Stanley, though, despised Blanche's phony glamour and affectations and discovered her checkered past. He wanted to put her in her place and he confronted her with the truth when they were left alone. In the battle of wills and passionate rage, Stanley raped Blanche. This finally brought Blanche over the edge and deep into madness. Hedda Gabler Tesman (Hedda Gabler), daughter of an aristocratic general who belongs to the suburban, middle-class family at the turn of the century (1890's) was a strong-willed woman who would get what she wanted. She projected the image of a much-admired lady and was presumed to be an ideal housewife for the academician George Tesman. Although she secretly despised the passive George, she married him on the belief that he would be able to provide her with a comfortable and luxurious life based on his future expectations as a University Professor. George's coveted position though was threatened by the arrival of a colleague, Ejlert Lovborg, who was also romantically involved with Hedda in the past. Lovborg unleashed the inner passions of Hedda but she turned him away because he represented everything that was against her ideals of a husband. To add injury to the insult, Lovborg had a turnaround with the influence of Mrs. Thea Elvsted whom Hedda has hated since their school years. He dda held a deep-seated jealousy of Thea's comfortable and natural femininity. The much hyped about publication of Lovborg's latest work was presumed to give him the boost to overtake the promotion of George Tesman. Thea was helping Lovborg in the publication of his work. Lovborg, however, during one of his drinking sprees, lost the manuscript. Hedda deceptively got hold of them and burned them. Lovborg confessed to Hedda about the lost manuscript and Hedda, the manipulative lady, played on Lovborg's disturbed state of mind and gave him the pistol which he later used to kill himself. In Hedda's mind, Lovborg death would give her the freedom to enjoy the beautiful life she so desired. However, she was jolted back to reality when she was told by Judge Barack, a sinister man who had hidden desire for Hedda that Lovborg did not die of suicide and hinted that he knew where the pistol that Lovborg used came from. This was the final blow to Hedda's dreams and she committed suicide. The two films had depicted the struggles of the two women heroines to reconcile what they thought would become of their lives (their dreams) with what they had become
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Of Mice And Men Essay Example for Free
Of Mice And Men Essay Steinbecks novel is a classic tale of dreamers who come back down to reality. This shows us the huge gap between reality and dream world. The other main theme of this story is friendship and loneliness. The story is set in California near Soledad. The main characters of the story are George, Lennie, Slim, Crooks, Curley, Curleys wife, and Candy. The story makes an ideal film because it has all the factors of a great film. It has intrigue, suspense and action. Sinses film begins with an exciting start showing what happened in weed, this is not shown in the novel. By contrast, the novel starts with Lennie and George coming in and making their way to work and no one knows what happened in weed. Then they come to the brush were they sleep and George tells Lennie that if he ever gets into trouble then he should come back to the brush and wait for him to come. This is very important with what happens later. The mood is calmer in the novel than in the film at the beginning. The film does this for excitement where as Steinbeck decides to start by describing the scene and the characters. When George and Lennie are running away it is really exciting this is why it is used in the film because the film was made to make money, where as the novel was made to be a powerful piece of writing. Also for the novel you cannot see the set so Steinbecks has to take some time in describing the setting. I think the films beginning is better because it is more dramatic and makes me want to continue watching. Also the start doesnt give away too much about what happens in weed. Also the film shows us more about the characters emotions while they are being chased.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Solutions for the Water Deficit
Solutions for the Water Deficit Ground water Takatuf Problem Lack of groundwater become a big problem these days. Groundwater is important and useful; many countries are depending on groundwater to supply clear, reliable water to the citizen. Here in Oman we have the same problem and it mostly exists in Al-Batinah coast where I live. You can utilize this type of water in many other areas such as farming, domestic and industrial. We must find solutions to these problems, to eliminate the deficit in the aquifer because this problem has many negative effects. These effects are a reduction in the level of the earths surface and some dry wells because groundwater descent into the deep, forcing farmers often to deepen the pumps to reach the water but, this solution will cost them a lot. Drought pumps may cause dry conditions in some agricultural regions because they use pumps to provide water for their farms. Some citizen are suffering from drought because they depended on these wells to provide clear water for them to drink it, but, few of those ci tizen impacted by maxing of sea salt water fresh groundwater which Change water quality to become undrinkable and this cause shortage of clean drinking water. In these areas like Al-Batinah people are also facing a shortage of drinking water. This issue exist in Oman before more than 30 years since the population rose. Farmers are more affected by this issue because they depend mostly on the ground water for agriculture. Citizens are suffering too because it is the main source of clean water which they drink. One of the causes of this problem is saltwater intrusion, â€Å"saltwater intrusion is the movement of seawater into aquifers and salt water mixing with ground water, which can contribute to ground water pollution and other consequences†(Wikipedia, 2014). We are facing this problem in Al-Batinah and Salalah coasts, a huge quantity of saltwater intrusion into the aquifers that contaminates clean water. The second cause is water deficit in Al-Batinah coast which is about 350 million cubic meters per year because sea water goes through groundwater layers and this causes groundwater pollution. Rising population is another major cause for this issue, when the population increases the proportion of water consumption increases. The fourth reason of the shortage is lack of rainfall and this affect negatively on the storage of groundwater because; rain is the first source of the groundwater the rain Nourishes the water storage. Solutions Many countries started to solve this issue, for example, United Arab Emirates launched the project cloud-seeding for artificial rain and here is the meaning of cloud seeding, â€Å"Cloud seeding, a form of weather modification, is the attempt to change the amount or type of precipitation that falls from clouds, by dispersing substances into the air that serve as cloud condensation or ice nuclei, which alter the microphysical processes within the cloud.’’ (Wikipedia, 2014). They do some research about the clouds for the operation then they send special airplane for this mission, they target clouds then they seed them, this operation has some consequences if they used it constantly due to the accumulation of silver iodide in the air, which is toxic. This operation cost around 11 million dollars. In Australia and some cities in United States of America they used Aquifer Storage and Recovery Systems. Aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) is the re-injection of potable water back into an aquifer for later recovery and use. ASR has been done for municipal, industry and agriculture use†(Wikipedia, 2014). They dig many wells close to dams and they treat rainwater sea water and after that they inject the water to Tertiary aquifers to store it there to use it any time they need it; this plan was a huge success in Australia and USA and now they want to expand this project. In Egypt they used a strategy, Integrated water resources management (IWRM) which has been defined by the Global Water Partnership (GWP) as a process which promotes the coordinated development and management of water, land and related resources, in order to maximize the resultant economic and social welfare in an equitable manner without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems. (Wikipedia, 2014). Concluding Statement It is hard to choice one of them but, in my view ASR system is the best solution for the country because ASR unlike cloud-seeding it does not have any consequences; it has many benefits. In Al-Batinah we are suffering from floods when the sky rain therefore, it is better to stop the floods by pumping the water to the ground to recharge the groundwater by this solution we do not waste any drop and we stop floods and at the same time we store groundwater. References Aquifer storage and recovery. (2014, November 27). Retrieved November 28, 2014, from Butalia, N. (2013, May 8). Cloud seeding : Making it rain. Khaleej Times. Retrieved November 29, 2014. Cloud seeding. (2014, November 18). Retrieved November 26, 2014, from Groundwater and Drought. (n.d.). USGS: Retrieved September 19, 2014, from Groundwater Management in Oman. (n.d.). Groundwater governance. Retrieved September 16, 2014, from How cloud seeding has helped to increase UAE rainfall. (2014, August 25). Retrieved November 26, 2014, from Integrated water resources management. (2014, September 17). Retrieved November 28, 2014, from Integrated water resources plan, Egypt. (n.d.). deltares. Retrieved September 23, 2014, from Kazmi, A. (2013, September 29). 124 cloud seeding operations since start of year. Retrieved November 26, 2014, from Platt, B. (n.d.). Aquifer Storage and Recovery Systems. Small Wars Journal. Retrieved September 19, 2014, from Saltwater intrusion. (2014, August 24). Wikipedia. Retrieved September 18, 2014, from Subaihi, T. A. (2014, February 26). Abu Dhabi Air Expo: The National. Retrieved September 19, 2014, from
Sunday, October 13, 2019
the civil war Essays -- essays research papers
Weapons in the American Civil War The American Civil War is known to be one of the bloodiest wars in history. Significant advances in weapon technology contributed to the unprecedented carnage. All types of weapons were being invented including side arms, shoulder arms, and artillery. Surveying the origins and design of only a portion demonstrates fire power had outstripped battlefield tactics by the mid-nineteenth century. Side arms, most useful only at close range, underwent important changes during the Civil War era. A particular standout was the La Mat revolver invented by Dr. Jean Alexander Francois Le Mat, a French born New Orleans doctor. The La Mat revolver was one of the most famous pistols of the civil war#. What makes this pistol so unique is that it has two barrels. The main cylinder held nine .40 caliber rounds fired though the upper barrel and revolved around the lower .63 caliber barrel that held a charge of buckshot#. As many as 3,000 of these pistols found 1. they’re way to Confederacy. Confederate Generals including P.G.T Beauregard and J.E.B. Stuart # carried La Mats. The Colt Army Model 1860 was a more advanced model of the 1848 dragoon used in Mexican War. It quickly became the most popular sidearm of the Union Army#. What made this revolver so popular was the interchangeability of parts. The Colt model 1860 was a .44 caliber six shot weapon and weighed almost three pounds#. The cost of the Colt Army model 1860 was $13.75, which was more expensive than those made by Remington or Starr and the Government ceased the order for the gun in 1863. Another revolver used in the war was the Starr revolver. It was a .44 caliber, six shot, weighed tree pounds and was a double action, which means has no build in or intergraded safety. It fired a combustible cartridge and could also be loaded with loose powder and ball. Union soldiers in the western theater used the Starr revolver. In 1863 the U.S. Ordinance Department urged the Starr Arms Company to replace the double action revolver with a cheaper single action model, which the company did and sold the Union 25,000 weapons for $12 each#. During the course of the Civil War side arms became an important weapon for 2. both sides and helped contribute to the death toll. Side arms were very popular for Calvary units. The reason was because of the close range fighting that Calvary units took plac... ...onfederate War Department. It was a breech loading rapid-fire gun and was cranked operated. The gun was a very light artillery piece that shot a one-pound 1.57 caliber projectile with a range of 2,000 yards and could shot up to 65 rounds per minute. It was used in the Battle of Seven Pines and worked effectively that the Confederate War Department ordered 42 of them#. Even though this gun was so effective it had two major problems. The gun overheated very quickly and breech jammed because of the heat expansion. 6. The Union created the .52 caliber breech loading Billinghurst-Requa batter. It used a light carriage to mount 25 rifled barrels side by side and when loaded and primed, the barrels fired in a sequence. Some of these guns were used in battle but saw very little action. These two weapons show that weapon technology was at a new height during this era. Many things changed in warfare during the American Civil War. All fields saw some kind of change Ruther it was small arms, shoulder arms, artillery, or some new weapon. Weapon technology like the La Mat revolver or the first machine- gun helped make the American Civil War one of the bloodiest wars in history. 7.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Sport Is The Greatest School Of Vanity :: essays papers
Sport Is The Greatest School Of Vanity It is two o’clock on Saturday the 22 February 2000. It is the day of the annual Hilton VS Michael House rugby game. In the stands, five hundred schoolboys eagerly await the arrival of the fifteen so-called â€Å"Gods†dressed in the black and white to come racing onto the field. As the â€Å"Titans†take the field all five Hundred of them jump up and praise them in one euphoric roar. The out come of the game is eight to five in Hiltons favor. They all run on and form a circle around the fifteen victorious â€Å"Gladiators†and as they sing O’ boys the spirit and not to mention the ego’s are raised to an all time high. It is three o’clock on Saturday the 12 November. It is the Natal Witness inter-schools chess championship and Hilton College has made it to the finals. The best players from either side are competing for one of the most prestigious chess titles in South Africa. In the stands, nobody, as usual. The pressure is getting to both of the boys, but in the end Hilton pulls through with a tight win. The boys get into the bus and go back to school. Monday morning comes and the whole school is â€Å"bowing†down to the almighty fifteen who by this stage are over flowing with arrogance and contemptuous pride. The praise that they receive is almost overwhelming. Monday morning comes and no one even says good morning to the members of the chess team. The praise that they receive for their good effort is non-existent. This is the case in many schools all over the world where students are praised for their performance on the sports fields and not in the classroom. The question one has to ask him or her is what are students actually sent to school for is it to succeed on the sports field or is it to achieve in the classroom. Many say that it should be a careful and equal balance between the two, yet very often it leans too much in favor of sport. This is when schools start getting the attitude that sport comes first and work comes second. Average students that are good at sport are given scholarships instead of the knowledge hungry hard workers who want to succeed in life not sport. Sport Is The Greatest School Of Vanity :: essays papers Sport Is The Greatest School Of Vanity It is two o’clock on Saturday the 22 February 2000. It is the day of the annual Hilton VS Michael House rugby game. In the stands, five hundred schoolboys eagerly await the arrival of the fifteen so-called â€Å"Gods†dressed in the black and white to come racing onto the field. As the â€Å"Titans†take the field all five Hundred of them jump up and praise them in one euphoric roar. The out come of the game is eight to five in Hiltons favor. They all run on and form a circle around the fifteen victorious â€Å"Gladiators†and as they sing O’ boys the spirit and not to mention the ego’s are raised to an all time high. It is three o’clock on Saturday the 12 November. It is the Natal Witness inter-schools chess championship and Hilton College has made it to the finals. The best players from either side are competing for one of the most prestigious chess titles in South Africa. In the stands, nobody, as usual. The pressure is getting to both of the boys, but in the end Hilton pulls through with a tight win. The boys get into the bus and go back to school. Monday morning comes and the whole school is â€Å"bowing†down to the almighty fifteen who by this stage are over flowing with arrogance and contemptuous pride. The praise that they receive is almost overwhelming. Monday morning comes and no one even says good morning to the members of the chess team. The praise that they receive for their good effort is non-existent. This is the case in many schools all over the world where students are praised for their performance on the sports fields and not in the classroom. The question one has to ask him or her is what are students actually sent to school for is it to succeed on the sports field or is it to achieve in the classroom. Many say that it should be a careful and equal balance between the two, yet very often it leans too much in favor of sport. This is when schools start getting the attitude that sport comes first and work comes second. Average students that are good at sport are given scholarships instead of the knowledge hungry hard workers who want to succeed in life not sport.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Robot in Medical Field
VEX ROBOTICS ESSAY I believe that robotics should be used in the medic field because they can be safer and be more helpful. They can save time and a person life. They are more accurate. I have a evidence to prove that robots are safety to use. 1. In 1997, surgery was performed in Cleveland using Zeus, a robotic surgical system. The operation successfully reconnected a woman’s fallopian tubes. 2. In May of 1997, the first robotically-assisted operation for a heart bypass case in Germany was successfully done using the da Vinci surgical system. 3.The first coronary artery bypass graft was performed using the ZEUS robotic surgical system in October, 1999, in Canada. 4. The first unmanned robotic surgery was performed in Italy, in May, 2006. 5. Also in 2011 a 50 year old mother of 4 child, Maureen Sampson was suffering from gastrointestinal disorder. This is very serious and it can be deadly. Her conditions worsed each day. As the day went by her condition worsed. But in july of 2 011 her doctor referred her to the robotic-assisted surgery program at Swedish Covenant Hospital in Chicago.Maureen didn’t hesitate after learning that she could recover in a matter of weeks versus months compared to a conventional surgery. Just a month after her surgery, Maureen was back at work, back to daily life with her family, and finally feeling at ease about her health. Maureen is just one of hundreds of patients who have benefited from the knowledge and skill of the robotic-assisted surgical team. But remember these are just some of the examples of succesful robotic surgery. Robotic-assisted procedures reduce the negative impacts of surgery, allowing for a speedier recovery and less pain, risk of infection, and scarring.Surgery robots on this day are actually cleverly made manipulators controlled by competent doctors. Nowadays, there are two fields where surgical robots are being developed and tested. One is telerobotics which enables a doctor to do a surgery at a di stance. The other field is minimally invasive surgery – surgery done without making large cuts. The da Vinci robot surgery system is one great example of robotics use for surgery purposes. The da Vinci System consists of a surgeon’s console that is typically in the same room as the patient and a patient-side cart with four interactive robotic arms controlled from the console.Three of the arms are for tools that hold objects, act as a scalpel, scissors, bovie, or unipolar or bipolar electrocautery instruments. The fourth arm is for an endoscopic camera with two lenses that gives the surgeon full stereoscopic vision from the console. For patients, the benefits of robotic assisted surgery may include: -Decreased post-operative pain -Decreased risk of infection -Decreased use of anesthesia -Decreased blood loss -Shorter hospital stay -Quicker and more complete recovery -Faster return to normal daily activities
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Kakutani’s “Word Police†Essay
In Michiko Kakutani’s essay, â€Å"The Word Police,†the author uses examples, illustrations and definitions to support the claim that our language is on the brink of absurdity because we hide our true identities and inequalities with euphemisms. In regard to euphemisms, Kakutani states that they â€Å"tend to distract attention from the real problems of prejudice and injustice in society†(423). Although the essay is persuasive and supported well, the author falls short of persuading her unbiased audience because of repetitive and tedious criticisms of the politically correct movements. Her argument lacks absolution in her failure to provide her audience with an alternative solution. Kakutani opens with the claim the political correctness is prevalent in society today. For support she uses several examples of icons that are being redeveloped to appease the growing demand for P.C. These include Little Miss Coppertone, who will soon have a male equivalent, and Superman, who will come in four new flavors. In using these familiar, mainstream products, Kakutani sways the audience in her direction while consolidating her claim. She also makes us aware of her aversion to politically correct movements with the use of her sarcasm in renovating the words â€Å"Miss†and â€Å"Superman.†The author then discusses a more considerable issue, that of the controversy over our language. â€Å"Political correctness†defined by Kakutani as â€Å"a vision of a more just, inclusive society in which racism, sexism and prejudice of all sorts have been erased,†(421) has good intent, but the methods used by politically correct activists to achieve their goals are too extreme. This, in turn, will just lead to the â€Å"scorn of conservative opponents and the mockery of cartoonists and late-night television hosts†(421). To validate her claim, Kakutani uses the example of a woman changing â€Å"testimony†to â€Å"ovarimony†at a Modern Language Association. This illustration supports her claim and persuades the audience to agree that the techniques used by P.C. radicals are excessive. To further her claim, she also adds a list of commonly used words and phrases, such as â€Å"charley horse†and â€Å"lazy susan†that, in a politically correct language, would never be acceptable and debates the necessity and feasibility of changing them. The author also believes that the trendy surge of P.C. dictionaries becoming available to us is forming a new way of speaking and writing. The majority of Kakutani’s backing for this is Rosalie Maggio’s book The Bias-Free Word Finder, a Dictionary of Nondiscriminatory Language. Maggio offers over 5,000 prejudice words and phrases to avoid, as well as techniques on how to make one’s speaking and writing less offensive. In order to support her argument that politically correct language is on the verge being ridiculous, she farcically reconstructs several popular phrases with the use of Maggio’s â€Å"dictionary.†Leonardo DiVinci’s â€Å"Mona Lisa†becomes his â€Å"acme of perfection,†while â€Å"king of the jungle†becomes â€Å"monarch of the jungle.†The extreme illustration is an excellent technique for convincing her audience, but her narrow breadth of sources causes the reader to doubt whether or not she has any other support. Kakutani then inquires as to who will accept and live by these P.C. rules. Her use of satire as a persuasion technique is very efficient when she states that Maggio’s book will most likely never become a staple in the average classroom, or be â€Å"adopted by the average man (sorry, individual)†(421). She then argues that these â€Å"P.C. dictionaries†only create confusion among there own supporters with there self-contradictions. More proof for Kakutani’s claim is an example from Language, Gender, and Professional Writing, by Francine Wattman Frank and Paula A. Treichler of the Modern Language Association. In the book, Frank and Treichler state that using â€Å"he†or â€Å"she†is an â€Å"appropriate construction for talking about an individual (like a jockey, say) who belongs to a profession that’s predominantly male†(422). Kakutani points out that later in the book, the authors contradict themselves by stating, â€Å"using masculine pronouns rhetorically can underscore ongoing male dominance in those fields, implying the need for change†(422). This example regains the trust of Kakutani’s readers. The citation accomplishes its goal in influencing the audience to agree with her claim and causes the reader to wonder what good the politically correct activists are doing if they cannot even agree with their selves. With the readers trust regained and the su pport of Kakutani’s belief, the author proceeds into her most persuasive argument. Kakutani discusses Maggio’s suggestion to substitute politically incorrect words and phrases with symbols in order to draw attention to the fact that those words and phrases are improper. Rebutting this idea, Kkautani proclaims that Maggio’s philosophy offers no real solution to remove bigotry from our country. In actuality, Maggio’s suggestions focus only on the surface of the word or phrase being corrected and not it’s content. Kakutani supports her claim with the example of when Mark Twain’s classic, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, was under consideration for being eliminated from school curriculums because it was labeled racist due to the fact that it included the word â€Å"nigger.†By using such a well-known incident, Kakutani again convinces the reader to agree with her claim, in part because of the common ground that the incident creates. The support succeeds in persuading and building communion with the reader since most well edu cated individuals have read The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and are aware that the book has no racist purpose. Kakutani then argues that the politically correct actions taken to correct our language are in reality distorting the meanings of the words being attacked. Using the pamphlet, â€Å"Dictionary of Cautionary Words and Phrases†as an example, Kakutani lists non-prejudicial words that are labeled discriminatory. She relates her claim to words used to describe the Vietnam War and Watergate by the government. Using two incidents that are associated negatively to the reader, the author succeeds in convincing her audience. Kakutani next repeats her allegation that the replacing of politically correct words by symbols or other words is not a solution to end problems, instead it will â€Å"make it easier to shrug off the seriousness of their situation†(423). Once again, Kakutani retreats to an example from Maggio’s book to probe her claim. Concluding, Kakutani states that the actions taken by the politically correct activists are being â€Å"purchased at the cost of freedom of expression and freedom of speech†(424). She ends her argument with an illustration of how the Gettysburg Address would sound if it had been written in a politically correct manner. Overall, Kakutani loses the readers attention towards the end of her debate. She convinces the unbiased audience that the politically correct movements are flawed, but fails to full persuade them to agree with her view that they are ineffective. The use of so many examples from the same source entices the reader to ponder the legitimacy of her arguments. One book is not enough ground to convince a sophisticated, intelligent reader. Moreover, Kakutani’s neglect to suggest an alternative solution to the one offered by the politically correct advocates makes her essay seem unfinished, and casts a negative shadow over Kakutani’s entire debate.
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