Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Camuss The Stranger Essay
Camuss The Stranger Essay Free Online Research Papers In Camus’s The Stranger, Meursault, the hero, winds up condemned to death in a crazy spot of destiny. For no normal explanation, Meursault ends the life of an Arab, whom he doesn't wish to slaughter, on a sweltering, bright evening in Algiers. Using symbolism, Camus effectively changes the African sun into an image of threatening vibe that at last leads Meursault to submit murder. Camus reliably utilizes the sun as an instrument to speak to hostility and animosity. The creator does so just in the most huge entries in the novel, for example, during his mother’s burial service and the showdown with the Arabs. This imagery happens in both of these scenes because of the physical reaction that it inspires from Meursault and the connection between the burial service, the homicide, and Meursault’s preliminary and conviction. One must consider the setting of the imagery so as to get a handle on how Camus utilizes the sun as the wellspring of hostility. For instance, the sun is portrayed as â€Å"a threatening presence†¦ symboliz[ing] brutality and destruction†(S. John, 113). The creator utilizes both material and visual symbolism inside the content to depict the antagonistic idea of the sun. By speaking to a reader’s feeling of sight, Camus portrays the sun as agonizing to Meursault’s vision. The youngster expresses that during his stroll on the sea shore, â€Å"the sun was sparkling straightforwardly overhead onto the sand, and the glare on the water was unbearable†(Camus, 52). Artistic pundits also perceive the unfriendly effect of the sun. For instance, S. John remarks, â€Å"the occurrence of pictures of light increments as occasions come to their dangerous climax†(S. John, 113). Camus utilizes material symbolism for a similar impact with lingual authority like â€Å"overpowering†and â€Å"heavy.†Even â€Å"the weight of the sun blocks his progress†(S. John, 113). The unsafe impact of the sun legitimately drives Meursault to slaughter the Arab both truly and allegorically. Prior to the homicide, Meursault takes note of that â€Å"there was the equivalent stunning red glare†¦ and I could feel my temple expanding under the sun†¦ With each sharp edge of light that flashed off the sand†¦ my jaws tightened†(Camus, 57). As an immediate consequence of the sun, Meursault’s body tenses. He accidentally pulls the trigger, shooting a solitary shot before long followed by four extra adjusts, all striking the Arab. Along these lines, the sun actually powers Meursault to murder. As S. John watches, the sun figuratively drives the Frenchman to shoot the Arab too. The artistic pundit states, â€Å"the dangerous act happens under the aegis of the sun and is by all accounts a straightforward expansion of its influence†(S. John). Moreover, S. John represents the accompanying: A conspicuous physical reference to the extreme light of the sun on the sand anticipates, from an allegorical perspective, the viciousness that is to follow. The shade of the sand under the sun’s beams proposes the shedding of blood (S. John). By utilizing certain allegory, Camus extends the impact of the sun and features its key job in the homicide. As per scholarly pundit Philip Thody, â€Å"Meursault, the focal figure of The Outsider, is portrayed by his total lack of interest to everything aside from quick physical sensations†(Thody). As a basic mastermind, a peruser should coherently consider both the translations of Thody and S. John as he continued looking for pinpointing Camus’s purposeful, negative delineation of the sun. As such, one may surmise that in light of the fact that Meursault is influenced uniquely by physical sensation, and the sun is the wellspring of progressively antagonistic improvements, the sun’s impact legitimately causes Meursault to end the Arab’s life. Exploration Papers on Camus' The Stranger EssayMind TravelCapital PunishmentArguments for Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)The Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsThe Fifth HorsemanEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementHip-Hop is ArtThree Concepts of Psychodynamic
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Animal Rights Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Basic entitlements - Research Paper Example From various perspectives, components of this gathering wish that basic entitlements would be considerably additionally decreased because of the way that basic entitlements are contradictory to their own or potentially political vantage point. Thus, on the rival side, there are those people that are profoundly pained by the manner in which our present society ignores the value and pride of other living things. In reasonableness, among this gathering too exists devotees that would advocate for an outrageous answer for such an issue, for example, all people turning out to be veggie lovers to influence a constructive change on basic entitlements around the world. All things considered, as judiciously and experimentally as could reasonably be expected, this examination will work to spread out a moderate structure from which the writer will endeavor to clarify and comprehend the applicable contentions that exist on the two sides of this discussion. The accompanying gives a short synopsis of a portion of the contentions that each side of this discussion set forward: The people who crusade for a more noteworthy level of assurance and basic entitlements contend the accompanying: - Due to the way that eating meat essentially involves the butcher of a creature, it likewise involves despondency, nervousness, and a high level of enduring with respect to the creature - Raising creatures for butcher is an inalienably insensitive practice because of the way that those people that are associated with the procedure start to get solidified to the hardships and enduring that these creatures experience during this procedure. - Evidence from various doctors and studies have presumed that a meat-eating isn't really helpful to the strength of the individuals who eat it. It is evident that if the whole planet became veggie lover, the measure of food that would be spared from taking care of steers stock and chickens in addition to pig and the various meat that a lot of our food flexibly goes towards would be more than adequate to take care of those that abandon food. The opposite side of the discussion encourages numerous degrees of support and legitimization for the executing of creatures for some explanation: Animals are ordinarily idiotic and unequipped for understanding what their job in life is in this way it isn't important to regard their privileges to a similar degree that we regard human rights. It is good and adequate to utilize the creature for the requirements of the person if such an utilization helps the human being(s) to proceed to live and flourish
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
The Writing on the Wall COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
The Writing on the Wall COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog Posted by Molly Powers In many areas, SIPA is ahead of the curve on paperless and wireless innovation. Classrooms are multimedia, occasionally even connecting lecturers and other classrooms from around the world. Your readings and the lion’s share of research materials are online, papers are submitted via a course dropbox, students collaborate on projects over google docs, lucid charts, and prezi. But perhaps because SIPA students’ inboxes are so constantly brimming, when it comes to publicizing school-wide events, we tend to resort to old-fashioned forms of marketing, i.e. posters. It is one of the great frustrations of my SIPA experience that each day as I walk from the 4th floor to the 6th floor café, I read about all the amazing things that are happening on campus that I won’t be able to attend because, oh yeah, I have to go to classes. A seminar on digital politics in Tibet. A film screening of Food Inc. by the SIPA Food Group. A speakers panel on Rio +20 with the UN Ambassador from Brazil. A public policy forum on voters’ rights with the NAACP President. A workshop on salary negotiation. I find myself wishing that for a semester, instead of taking courses, I could attend every interesting panel or seminar. But then the courses are pretty good too. Here’s a taste of what’s on the wall this week. Humanitarian Negotiations Revealed: The MSF Experience Monday, March 19 from 6pm to 9pm Humanitarian negotiations are life-and-death issues for people in need, but they also raise troubling political and ethical dilemmas for the organizations that are engaged in them. In the forthcoming book Humanitarian Negotiations Revealed: The MSF Experience, published by Columbia University Press, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) takes a critical look at how its teams have negotiated to gain access to people in urgent need of lifesaving medical assistance in the 40 years since MSF was founded, including recent case studies from Somalia, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, and Myanmar. Please join us at Columbia Universitys School of International and Public Affairs for a moderated panel discussion of these issues with John Fiddler, an experienced MSF aid worker; Sophie Delaunay, the Executive Director of MSF-USA; and the iconoclastic author David Rieff (A Bed for the Night). They will describe the often complicated process of negotiating with governments, armed groups, public health officials, international actors, community leaders, and local officials; as well as the struggle to define what compromises are acceptable in order to run programs in crisis zones. Sponsored by Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières, SIPAs Humanitarian Affairs Program, and SIPAs International Organizations Specialization. SIPAWESOME TRIVIA NIGHT Wednesday March 21, 9pm- Midnight at the Harlem Tavern SIPA Students vs. Engineering School Students: who will win when the battle when analysts and engineers match wits? I guess we’re hoping that most of the trivia questions are not word problems, huh SIPA? $15 Ticket includes drink and food. Live music until 10, followed by trivia, with prizes for the winning team. SHOOT THE WASTE March 5- April 2 A Photo Competition for the best and worst examples of sustainability in New York and beyond. Awards Ceremony April 9 at 8pm. Focus on objects, not people Upload all photos to the facebook page with your name, UNI, and a 1-2 sentence description of why the photo fits into its category You must be the photographer, but the photo does not have to be recent. Look in past albums. Open to everyone in the SIPA community. Sponsored by SIPA Food Group, Net Impact, and SIPA Environmental Coalition
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Understanding Political Process Theory
Also known as political opportunity theory, political process theory offers an explanation of the conditions, mindset, and actions that make a social movement successful in achieving its goals. According to this theory, political opportunities for change must first be present before a movement can achieve its objectives. Following that, the movement ultimately attempts to make change through the existing political structure and processes. Overview Political process theory (PPT) is considered the core theory of social movements and how they mobilize (work to create change). It was developed by sociologists in the U.S. during the 1970s and 80s, in response to the Civil Rights, anti-war, and student movements of the 1960s. Sociologist Douglas McAdam, now a professor at Stanford University, is credited with first developing this theory via his study of the Black Civil Rights movement (see his book Political Process and the Development of Black Insurgency, 1930-1970, published in 1982). Prior to the development of this theory, social scientists viewed members of social movements as irrational and crazed and framed them as deviants rather than political actors. Developed through careful research, political process theory disrupted that view and exposed its troubling elitist, racist, and patriarchal roots. Resource mobilization theory similarly offers an alternative view to this classical one. Since McAdam published his book outlining the theory, revisions to it have been made by him and other sociologists, so today it differs from McAdams original articulation. As sociologist Neal Caren describes in his entry on the theory in the Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, political process theory outlines five key components that determine the success or failure of a social movement: political opportunities, mobilizing structures, framing processes, protest cycles, and contentious repertoires. Political opportunities are the most important aspect of PPT, because according to the theory, without them, success for a social movement is impossible. Political opportunities--or opportunities for intervention and change within the existing political system--exist when the system experiences vulnerabilities. Vulnerabilities in the system can arise for a variety of reasons but hinge on a crisis of legitimacy wherein the populace no longer supports the social and economic conditions fostered or maintained by the system. Opportunities might be driven by the broadening of political enfranchisement to those previously excluded (like women and people of color, historically speaking), divisions among leaders, increasing diversity within political bodies and the electorate, and a loosening of repressive structures that previously kept people from demanding change.Mobilizing structures refer to the already existing organizations (political or otherwise) that are present among t he community that wants change. These organizations serve as mobilizing structures for a social movement by providing membership, leadership, and communication and social networks to the budding movement. Examples include churches, community and nonprofit organizations, and student groups and schools, to name a few.Framing processes are carried out by leaders of an organization in order to allow the group or movement to clearly and persuasively describe the existing problems, articulate why change is necessary, what changes are desired, and how one can go about achieving them. Framing processes foster the ideological buy-in among movement members, members of the political establishment, and the public at large that is necessary for a social movement to seize political opportunities and make change. McAdam and colleagues describe framing as conscious strategic efforts by groups of people to fashion shared understandings of the world and of themselves that legitimate and motivate c ollective action (see Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements: Political Opportunities, Mobilizing Structures, and Cultural Framing [1996]).Protest cycles are another important aspect of social movement success according to PPT. A protest cycle is a prolonged period of time when opposition to the political system and acts of protest are in a heightened state. Within this theoretical perspective, protests are important expressions of the views and demands of the mobilizing structures connected to the movement and are vehicles to express the ideological frames connected to the framing process. As such, protests serve to strengthen solidarity within the movement, to raise awareness among the general public about the issues targeted by the movement, and also serve to help recruit new members.The fifth and final aspect of PPT is contentious repertoires, which refers to the set of means through which the movement makes its claims. These typically include strikes, demonstrati ons (protests), and petitions. According to PPT, when all of these elements are present, it is possible that a social movement will be able to make changes within the existing political system that will reflect the desired outcome. Key Figures There are many sociologists who study social movements, but key figures who helped create and refine PPT include Charles Tilly, Peter Eisinger, Sidney Tarrow, David Snow, David Meyer, and Douglas McAdam. Recommended Reading To learn more about PPT see the following resources: From Mobilization to Revolution (1978), by Charles Tilly.Political Process Theory, Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, by Neal Caren (2007).Political Process and the Development of Black Insurgency, (1982) by Douglas McAdam.Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements: Political Opportunities, Mobilizing Structures, and Cultural Framing (1996), by Douglas McAdam and colleagues. Updated by Nicki Lisa Cole, Ph.D.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Health Care Goes to Law School 2019
With the advent of managed care and the assortment of health care reform bills that have been voted out of Congress recently, healthcare is closing in on becoming an area of legal specialization. Some law schools now teach health law in a program format, with a series of courses available that cover various aspects of the subject. Upon completion of the requisite course hours and field work, the law student is awarded with a Certificate in Health Law to accompany his Juris Doctor on the office wall. Medical malpractice and insurance disputes have been stalwarts in the legal field for years. A newer area of legal conflict are bioethical issues which, at this point, are equally at home in the legislature as in court. Included in this area are matters such as genetic data privacy, gene- based alterations of agricultural and pharmaceutical products, and a number of medical therapies coming on line. These are public policy issues that are working their way into the courtroom. Related to these issues is the body of law that has grown around the Food and Drug Administration and, among other issues, their administration of drug development. .u3ca1a7059ce39148935e6cb2a7a50ff5 { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .u3ca1a7059ce39148935e6cb2a7a50ff5:active, .u3ca1a7059ce39148935e6cb2a7a50ff5:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .u3ca1a7059ce39148935e6cb2a7a50ff5 { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .u3ca1a7059ce39148935e6cb2a7a50ff5 .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .u3ca1a7059ce39148935e6cb2a7a50ff5 .post Title { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .u3ca1a7059ce39148935e6cb2a7a50ff5:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ BSB 5 Ways to Earn a Bachelor of Science in Business in as Little as 12 MonthsIndividual rights are a legal healthcare issue when in comes to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Access to health care for the poor is a developing civil rights issue, with national advocacy groups in place and classes in law schools addressing the matter as a sole topic. The right to privacy for personal medical records has been a major political and legal concern. The passage of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) created an entire legal structure for the protection and personal control of an individuals medical records. But as with every protective measure there are exceptions, and those have led to a small but lively industry of HIPAA inspired lawsuits. Healthcare delivery and child welfare are occasionally conflicting issues that speak to parental rights and have been fought out in highly publicized trials. Withholding important medical educational information from children has also come before the courts. Public health is a major area of legal specialty, involving state and federal legislation, funding, regulation and healthcare as it relates to taxes. .u50223e76487ace9baeed62914c0c8f6c { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .u50223e76487ace9baeed62914c0c8f6c:active, .u50223e76487ace9baeed62914c0c8f6c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .u50223e76487ace9baeed62914c0c8f6c { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .u50223e76487ace9baeed62914c0c8f6c .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .u50223e76487ace9baeed62914c0c8f6c .post Title { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .u50223e76487ace9baeed62914c0c8f6c:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ Prepare for Leadership Positions with a Criminal Justice Administration ProgramManaged care issues that are addressed in law school include health care financing, antitrust due to the consolidation of HMOs and equal access. Medicare and Medicaid rights are closely related to managed care, as is the issue of assumed risk for the medical personnel who work for the large and growing healthcare organizations. Fraud and system abuse have also become worthy of legal study since false insurance claims begin to emerge as a substantial problem, involving both patients and the medical community. At least one law school has an entire course dedicated to e-medicine. Among other things it covers the transmission of medical imaging and pharmaceutical practices: generally the issues are security, privacy and technology. Records transmission and claims transactions are points of discussion within the context of the internet as an active participant in the practice of medicine. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Hierarchy and power within East and Western enterprises Free Essays
Hierarchy and power within East and Western enterprises. Introduction Culture is the way we live. It is the clothes we wear, the foods we eat, the languages we speak, the stories we tell, and the ways we celebrate. We will write a custom essay sample on Hierarchy and power within East and Western enterprises or any similar topic only for you Order Now Culture is also about our roots. Where did our ancestors come from? What do we believe? What makes our lives different from the lives of others? Kalmia, B. (2009). Nations may share civilizations, but they will always be distinct in their culture, since culture defines what they are. Scranton, R. (2007). The globalization of markets and production continues to bring together people room different cultures and countries in culturally diverse organizations. In the field of international management, it is important not only to recognize these diversities, but it is also vital to understand the cultural differences for the purpose of connecting with and motivating knowledge workers. Traditionally, these cultural distinctions have been classified into ‘eastern’ and ‘western’ views that widely vary with respect to workplace activities and, more specifically, with respect to knowledge management. With the ‘western’ view being more focused on explicit knowledge and tangible individualistic motivational factors, and the ‘eastern’ view on tacit knowledge and abstract workplace principles; it becomes evident that management of these different cultural perspectives is becoming increasingly complex yet critical in the global workplace. An understanding of these differing views is therefore necessary for effective management in the international sphere, specifically for providing a means for better cross- cultural understanding and successful knowledge transfer. Management Tasks planning- The goals and objectives Of a company or department are established, as well s determining what actions are needed to achieve. Organizing- organizing actions needed to achieve the goals. Staffing- The task of allocating employees to particular positions within the company. Directing- This has to do with leading the organization and its employees towards its goals. Controlling- Monitoring the performance of the company or department is a task for which different cultures may use different systems and approaches. Effect of cultural values on management The way tasks and responsibilities are performed in management can be examined in the light of key number of cultural values. Eight cultural value orientations have a considerable influence on the way managers perform their activities. The eight cultural values which can be called as model of culture is, Time focus (Monochromatic and polymorphic) Different cultures have different perceptions of time according to their environment, history, traditions and general practices. In eastern culture where monochromatic perception of time prevails, time is experienced and used in a linear way. People tend to do one activity at a time. For example in eastern culture, people have the diner and then do the home work or read a book. In western culture where polymorphic time is preferred ,people tend to focus on several tasks and and are less dependent on detailed information when performing these tasks. For example in western culture, people have diner whil e doing the home work or reading a book. Time focus and management tasks Monochromatic Culture (Eastern perspective) Planning- The focus of activity is more on the task itself and Making schedules. Organizing- The approach used is structured,Linear and task- focused. Staffing- Concerns focused on shorter term. Directing- Managing the inflow and Distribution of detailed information. Controlling- Tendency to Use control systems and strict deadlines. Polymorphic Culture (Western perspective) planning- The focus Of activity is more on relationships when planning. Organizing- The approach is less structured one, More holistic and people- focused. Staffing- Focus on longer term. Directing- Sharing of implicit knowledge/information. Controlling- Tendency to use more flexible control systems involving people. Time orientation (past, present and future) Culture focused on the past value the upholding tradition in line with the history of the company and the way it usually does things. Those cultures concerned with the present are out quick results and short-term gain. Those with the view towards the future, plans are assessed in the light of expected future benefit. Power (Hierarchy and Equality) The Power value orientation is to do with the extent to which the less powerful members of a society expect or accept that power is distributed unequally. At work,the level of power and authority are strictly marked out by some eastern cultures oriented to hierarchy. There ,the employees do their work according to the directives of their boss. Len eastern cultures the manager as a separate room from other employees indeed to show up the power distance between the employees and the manager. Companies in west,oriented towards equality there will be more informal structures based on expertise focused on certain projects. Len western cultures the manager works at the same table where the other staffs work. This shows the equality between the manager and the staffs. Power and management tasks Hierarchy (Eastern perspective) Planning- More autocratic or paternalistic planning is displayed. Organizing- The Organizational structure is tightly controlled. Staffing- Us borderlines expect bosses to take the initiative to train,developing promote them. Directing- Employees like being closely supervised and feel comfortable with a directive supervisor. Controlling- Employees prefer the personal control Of superiors. Equality (Western perspective) Planning- Employees may implement the plan. More participative planning. Organizing- Organizational structure encourages individual autonomy Staffing- Work relationships should not be strictly prescribed. Directing- Managers exhibit participative or consultative styles. Controlling- Subordinates develop performance objectives with their bosses. Space (private and public) One aspect of space orientation is related to private or public space. Another aspect related to invisible boundary around every person. The concept of space can be seen in terms Of personality. There can be cultural differences in the relative size of people’s public and private spaces and also in the degree to which they feel comfortable sharing those parts of their personality with other people. In Eastern workplace managers and employees do not share the same office ,but in western workplace the location or size of the place here an employee works does not necessarily reflect that persons rank in the company. The influence of personal space at work Private Planning- Forms of planning: individualistic or systematic. Organizing- More task-centered. Staffing- Explicit information about how staff are to be employed. Directing-. Managers and employees do not share the same office Controlling- Explicit measures of performance public Planning- Group-oriented or authoritative forms Organizing- Relationship-centered approaches Staffing- Implicit information Directing-. Size of the place where an employee works does not reflect the arson’s rank Controlling- Managers can use more informal checks on performance Structure (Individualism and Collectivism) Individualism Individualism, can be defined as a preference for a loosely-knit social framework in which individuals are expected to take care of themselves and their immediate families only. Individualism shows the extent to which cultures elevate the role of the individual over the role of the group. When individualism is valued the â€Å"I†predominates over the â€Å"we†Individual goals, initiative and achievement are most important and people are encouraged to be independent and self-reliant. Collectivism Collectivism represents a preference for a tightly-knit framework in society in which individuals can expect their relatives or members of a particular in- group to look after them in exchange for unquestioning loyalty. Most of the Eastern cultures place more importance on personal relationships rather than the task to be performed or the deal to be completed. Example Along with the collectivist nature Of the individuals a team based behavior can be seen in the work place environments in Sir Lankan. Similarly there is a new concept which is identical within the emirates airlines which is known as the Family concept. The boss is the ‘father’ and the employees are the ‘children’. The father tells the children what to do but also looks after them and cares for them. The ‘children’ do as they are told and show their father ‘respect’. It is a two-way relationship in which all parties benefit. This can be comparable to the team based relationship oriented work place conditions in Sir Lankan. Highly individualist cultures (Western) believe individual is most important unit People taking care of themselves (including immediately family only) Self- orientation Identity based on individual Guilt culture Making decisions based on individual needs â€Å"l†mentality Emphasis on individual initiative and achievement Highly collectivist cultures (Eastern) believe group is most important unit. Expect absolute loyalty to group (nuclear family, extended family, caste, organization) Group orientation Decisions based on what is best for the group. Identity based on social system Shame culture Dependence on organization and institutions (Expects organization / institution / group to take care of individual) â€Å"We†mentality Emphasis on belonging Structure and management task Individualism (western perspective) leaning- It is expected that those involved in planning will take initiative to present their views. Organizing-Tasks assignment and resources allocation. Staffing- Organizations are not expected to look after their employees career development. Directing-Leaders expect employees to meet or exceed their responsibilities. Controlling- Control tends to be exerted by individual standards of excellence. Collectivism (Eastern perspective) Planning- plans are developed within the shared values used for measuring activities in the organizations. Organizing- organizational structures emphasize he group; the team is assigned tasks and resources. Staffing- promotions are are based primarily on seniority. Directing- Leaders expect loyalty in exchange for protection. Controlling- Deviations from standards and expectations is discouraged through group oriented pressure. Conclusion General management and knowledge management theories and practices have to be viewed and reviewed in the context of local cultures. In an organization, the managers bring values, experiences and beliefs that are profoundly rooted in their national cultures. Even the perspective of hat management actually entails varies widely across different national cultures. The model of culture has been applied to the world of international business and the daily tasks of a manager examined in terms of cultural values. Individual’s frame work of cultural preferences influences the way in which their tasks are executed. Management tasks in the firms varies according to the culture Management tasks in western enterprises varies from the management tasks that are carried out by eastern enterprises. Additional studies must be undertaken to have a thorough understanding of the cultural rabbles. Without Andean different perspectives from the traditional and AC opted frameworks, such as Hypotheses dimensions, organizations cannot leverage the strengths of the global economy, which can make the difference between survival and success for today’s firms. How to cite Hierarchy and power within East and Western enterprises, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
The Indian Removal Act free essay sample
They traveled in many different ways of transportation such as foot, horse, and wagon. Though many are informed of the horror of the Indian Removal Acts, the public seemed to have encourage it and not care about the condition Of the Indians that were being moved which was as tragic as any part of American History. The publics view of the Indian Removal Act was very lenient. They did not protest or object the cruel things that Andrew Jackson was doing. Some of the cruel things being; treating Indians poorly, destroying the bank, and threatening to kill his vice president.The main reason for their carelessness as that they in fact wanted the Indians to leave. The main reasons for them wanting the Indians to leave was more shelter, more land, and more job opportunities. As they were kicking the Natives out of their homes, just moments later new, white, Americans moved right in as the Native families watch another family move into their house (CORBA). Today, we can prove that the public promptly did not care about the Natives because they kept their president, Andrew Jackson, in office as the acts were being passed. In the Election of 1 832, Jackson won by a landslide with 219 electoral votes. The second place loser, Henry Clay, received only 49 electoral votes (1 832 Presidential Election). Obviously, if anyone wanted to change what was going on, Andrew Jackson would not have stayed in office. The government had a prominent role in the Indian Removal Acts. The leader of it all was President Andrew Jackson. Out of all of the eleven treaties signed to move the southern tribes, Andrew Jackson signed nine of them(PBS. Org). The tribes agreed to the terms so they could avoid problems such as harassment, and hopefully maintain some of their land and also for strategic reasons. Jacksons attitude toward Native Americans was authorizing, he described the Natives as children in need of guidance; he also believe the removal policy was beneficial to the Indians(PBS. Org). Although, the leader, Andrew Jackson was in charge of the government, the entire government did not support everything that was being done. In rage of everything that was being done, the Cherokee Nation took a case to court opposing one Of Jacksons bill to move the Indians out west. After the trial, the Cherokee won the case in favor of nine votes to zero.To show Jacksons power, a quote used by him was The Supreme Court has made their session, now let me see them try to enforce it. (learnable. Org). This showed a failure of the checks and balance system. In order to bribe the Indians out of their homeland, the government promised the Indians things such as money, land, and freedom once they got out to their new home in present day Oklahoma. When the Indians got their however, they got nothing in return and were stuck with nothing out west. On top of the government sending them away, the government would indeed give them land to live on.They would be deceitful and put rival tribes close to one another to cause ensign between the two. This would make the Native population decrease even more as wars would break out. In the eyes of the Natives, this was terrible as one may assume. Some of the tribes listened to the government and signed treaties with no argument, but others did not go away as easy as the government preferred. Not many tribes took action to stop this, but the ones who did were still unsuccessful. Even though the Cherokee won their court case, nothing was done in their favor.Other southern tribes such as the Creek, Seminole, Chickasaws, and Chaotic also were against the acts. The Creek nation Was forced out because the Secretary of War said it was a military necessity (PBS. Org). This is one of the many nations that did not seem to fight back with the government; no removal treaties were ever signed (PBS. Org). By 1837, 1 5,000 Creek Indians moved out west by order of the government. The Chickasaws group realized that there was no way around the movement, and without any protest, signed a Treaty in 1832.The treaty stated that the federal government would provide them with valuable land they would be able to live easily with (PBS. Org). The plan of the Chickasaws of appeasing to the government backfired when the War Department ended up backing down on its promise. Since so many Natives were sent from one place to another, a common trail was traveled to get to the destination Of present day Oklahoma. The terrible trail is called the Trail of Tears; nearly 125,000 Natives traveled this path (history. Com).This trail covered 2,200 miles of land and sea. The Cherokee were the most known for their view on the Trail of Tears. They had two very different views on leaving their territory however, one side wanted to stay ND fight, while the other side wanted to just appease to the government and accept the money and land they were offered for leaving (history. Com). A soldier of the name John G. Burnett was acquainted with the Cherokee after he had spent a lot of time hunting and traveling with the tribe.He stated that the day the tribe was forced out was very hard and even quoted that One can never forget the sadness and solemnity of that morning. (learn. Org). During their journey, on the day of March 26th, 1839, a horrific snow and sleet storm hit them hard, and the sufferings of the Cherokee were hard to e. Another thing said by Burnett was that It was a trail Of death, which really goes to show that so many people lost their life because of the governments cruel enforcement of moving the Native Americans out west. The trail is said to have killed around 4,000 Cherokee. It was said that up to one third of the Cherokee nation was killed (learnable. Org). As one may know, there are still remaining Cherokee tribes around today. They are scarred from this time of American History. They see it as unconstitutional, unjust, and are very upset on the fact that nothing was done in their favor. Many may not know that the Cherokee has their own government now and lives in areas such as Nevada, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico (Cherokee. Org) So as one may see, there were many different views on the Indian Removal Acts and the government was a major cause. Not many of the citizens in the public seemed to care about how the Indians were treated and nothing was done to stop treating them poorly. The people did not try and get rid of the main person who leads it all, Andrew Jackson, they kept him in office and did not speak out against anything he did over his eight years in office. As most can see, the Indian Removal Acts were completely unconstitutional and were a very bad time in the years of America.
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
None_provided Essays (1347 words) - Project Mercury,
None_provided General Chuck Yeager Charles E. Yeager was born on February 13, 1923 in Myra, West Virginia and raised the nearby village of Hamlin for the first eighteen years of his life. His father drilled natural gas, and his mother was a housewife. At an early age, Chuck helped his father drill, and learned mechanics from his father. Chuck was always fixing the car engines or the drill engine if it broke. In high school Chuck played basketball and baseball, although he never really excelled in either. He also was not that smart in school. He said the only thing that he was good at was typing and math, everything else, he got a D in. After high school, Chuck, being poorly educated and destitute decided to join the U.S. Army Air Corps. The funny thing about that is that Chuck never even saw an airplane on the ground until he was 16 years old, when it had an emergency and landed in a cornfield, and Chuck was not even impressed with it. He said the reason that he joined the Air Corps is because the recruiter made the Air Corps sound more interesting that the Navy recruiter. Anyway, Chuck joined the Air Corps as a mechanic. After a year of being a mechanic, the Untied States was short pilots, so they put up a notice to see if anyone wanted to become a pilot. Chuck signed the form; however, it took another year for them to pick him. It was always hard for Chuck to fit in among the other pilots and mechanics. Because he was from West Virginia, he had a strong accent, and a poor education, so he was never given a chance at first. Then, when he first went in a plane, he almost quit the pilot school because there was turb ulence and he was bumping all over the place. On the other hand, once he flew a plane by himself he was hooked. He excelled in pilot school because he had excellent vision, 20/10, and learned how to dogfight, that is getting in position to shoot down another plane and avoiding getting shot down yourself. He left for the War in 1942. He was disappointed at first because after 6 missions, they hadnt seen one German. Yet, on his 7th mission the Americans encountered German planes while escorting a bomber. Yeager killed one and returned safely. Unluckily for Yeager, on his next mission in 1943, his plane gto shot down over enemy territory and he had to jump out (there were no ejection seats in those days). For the next 3 weeks it was hell. After he jumped, all he had were 2 stale candy bars and a bottle of water. He saw a French woodcutter and jumped him for his axe. However, instead of getting mad, he got help for Chuck. Within a couple of hours, Chuck had the help of the French Maquis, a French resistance group. They led to the Pyrenees Mountains with one other shot down pilot, where they told them that they were on their own. They hike the mountains for days, thinking they go nowhere. One day, they found a cabin and rested. The other pilot put his socks over bushes to dry. A German patrol did not even bother to look in the cabin, but just shot. The other pilot got his leg totally blown off. Chuck decided to carry him for three days before they finally got into neutral Spain. There, Chuck spent another 3 weeks in a luxury hotel, paid for by the army, while the government negotiated for his release. When he finally got back he received bad news. He was not going to be able to go back because if he got shot down again the Germans would torture them to find out where the Maquis were. He appealed to General Dwight Eisenhower and Eisenhower let him stay in. From there, Yeagers career took off. He went back in the Corps and after a couple of missions we was back to dogfighting. One time there were 200 Germans attacking roughly 40 Americans. On that day, Yeager became and Ace shooting down 5 on his own, (the first
Friday, March 6, 2020
Teacher as a Nation Builder Essay Essay Example
Teacher as a Nation Builder Essay Essay Example Teacher as a Nation Builder Essay Essay Teacher as a Nation Builder Essay Essay Essay OnTHE TEACHER AS A NATION BUILDERThe importance of the instructor in national life can non be over-emphasized. It is he who influences the immature minds of the young person. He treats and attempts to model the life material into assorted signifiers. The hereafter of the state is fashioned by him through the procedure of instruction. A state seeking to process in front on the roads to come on can go forth the instruction of her boies and girl in the custodies of incompetent instructors merely at its ain hazard. â€Å"The universe of tomorrow will be born from the schools of today†some wise adult male said. In this manner. instructors. so. is the true builder of the state. In the yesteryear. instructors were held by all in the highest regard. Even male monarchs and emperors used to look up to them for counsel and advice in hours of crisis. As a affair of fact. instructors were the legal guardians of common public assistance. Teachers in those yearss were the true helpers of society. History is full of illustrations which clearly show that great determinations of critical importance to the whole state were taken on the waies of the instructors. The instructor is one of the pillars of the society and the state. Without good instructors. no state can come on. The importance of instructors in the life of a state can non be overlooked. Teacher is a shaper of adult male. He is foundation of all Education. and therefore of the whole civilisation of world. present and future. No state Reconstruction is possible without the active cooperation of the instructor. A instructor builds a pupil who has belongingss like Discipline. Punctuality. Respect for seniors. Ambition. Faithfulness. Assurance. Responsibility. Cleanliness. Dedication. Good Mannerss. Devotion. Creativity. Sense of Competition. Patience. Knowledge. Positive Approach. Fortitude. Innovative. Self Reliance. Courage. SincerityIntelligence. Affection. Truthfulness. Obedience. Regularity. Patriotism. Self Evaluation. Honest. Hopefulness and that is what a underdeveloped state like India requires. Overall we can state that instructor is a state builder.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Puffin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Puffin - Essay Example Puffins most defining feature are their fat beaks that are dull and gray in the winter and then brighten to florescent oranges during the mating season. Puffins have also been called names like "little friar" and "sea parrot" because of their comical markings. Puffins are pelagic, which means they live in and on the water throughout the year and the only time they come on to the land is to reproduce (NHPTV). Puffins mate for life and females only lay one egg a year which both parents care for (Barjaktarovic). The baby puffin, or puffling, is under the supervision of both parents for less than two months and is then ready to take care of him or herself. There are four species of puffins. The Atlantic Puffin, the Horned Puffin, the Tufted Puffin, and the Rhinoceros Auklet. The Atlantic Puffin, otherwise known as the Common Puffin, is the only puffin that can be found on the Atlantic Ocean. There are somewhere between twelve and fifteen million Atlantic Puffins living on the skirts of the Atlantic Ocean (Project Puffin). Most of them can be found near Iceland. Atlantic Puffins are the smallest of the species and can also Page 2 The Horned Puffin gets it's name because of the large mascara-like black markings or "horns" jutting out from it'
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
The use of vaginal examinations in assessing progress during the first Essay
The use of vaginal examinations in assessing progress during the first stage of labour - Essay Example During the first stage of labour, which begins with the onset of regular uterine contraction, it plays instrumental role in assessing the progress made in labour. It provides information about the cervical effacement and dilatation, descent , position and attitude of the fetus. But it may also give rise to certain problems like infections, premature stimulation of cervix, premature rupture of membranes and women find them uncomfortable. The approach used by midwives to vaginal exam further adds to the problems. While undertaking these exams, they become inconsiderate towards the feelings of the women and in their attempt to deliver a healthy baby ignore their professional ethics , which requires them to provide a supportive, encouraging atmosphere for birth, respectful of the woman’s wishes. Although midwives acquire enough skill through practice and experience to use external signs to gain knowledge about the progress, still they consider it the most accurate method. This study revolves around vaginal examination at the onset of labour. It attempts to find the reason behind the frequent use of these interventions to assess the progress during first stage, despite its problematic nature. This report explores the necessity and effectiveness of the vaginal exams in assessing the progress. It brings to notice the problems faced by the women from vaginal examination and from the methodology used by the midwives in conducting them. It considers the alternative techniques that can be used instead of vaginal examination. This study takes into consideration the results of various researches done on vaginal examination during the labour. Vaginal examination is a complete
Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Personal development as strategic manager
The Personal development as strategic manager The course of acquisition of extra awareness, skills and understanding in order to get better the way you do your present job and your prediction of future service and endorsement, and, more commonly, to develop your individual talents and fulfil your individual potential. Strategic planning is a management tool, period. As with any management tool, it is used for one idea only: to help an association do a better job to focus its energy, to make sure that members of the organization are working toward the similar goals, to measure and regulate the organizations direction in response to a altering environment. In short, strategic planning is a well-organized effort to make basic decisions and actions that form and guide what an organization is, what it does, and why it does it, with a spotlight on the future. (Adapted from Brysons Strategic Planning in Public and Non profit Organizations and Strategic manager is a management quality of a manager to accomplish planned goals of the organization. individual development is essential in todays world as this is a planning process through which managers gain leadership skills and knowledge required to accomplish long term goals of the organization. the organization i have chosen for this report is tesco which is one of the world major in retail sector. Tesco is one of the major food retailers in the world, functioning around 2,318 stores and employing over 326,000 people. It provides online services through its additional, The UK is the companys major market, where it operates under four banners of Extra, Superstore, Metro and Express. The company sells almost 40,000 food products, including garments and other non-food lines. The companys own-label goods (50 percent of sales) are at three levels, value, normal and finest. As well as expediency produce, many stores have gas stations, becoming one of Britains largest autonomous petrol retailers. Other retailing services offered include Tesco Personal Finance. Personal development as a strategic manager at tesco is a much emphasized area and i would discuss to recognize the personal skills essential of managers to attain planned ambitions of tesco. 1.1 strategy direction of tesco first of all we have to define the strategy which is the mean through which goals are deliberately and steadily pursued and obtained over time. Now we will see what are the strategy direction of teso. worldwide growth, e.g. in USA with Fresh and Easy high quality food expediency stores Non-food (health and beauty; clothes; consumer electronics) Retailing services: on-line shopping; financial services incl. banking and car insurance; energy price evaluation Tesco mission and vision statement Giving customers what they want 24/7 About 30% UK market share Doubled group sales profits >  £2 bn Tripled number of stores to over 2600; increased Employee numbers to over 270,000 Sales to rest of Europe up to 13% of group sales; Asia: 11% Tesco strategic direction to achieve the strategic goals Organic in S. Korea Home plus chain of 138 hypermarkets and express stores -BUT lack of suitable partner frustrated intended entry into India Acquisitions : †¢E.g. of Co-op stores in Slough, Nottingham, South Shields †¢In S. Korea: Purchased 36 development based on standard PLUS selected tailored product ranges AND a range of formats -Collaborations: Tesco Mobile venture with O2; joint venture with Samsung Home ever discount hypermarkets from the E- Land group for  £958m (function() { var scribd = document.createElement("script"); scribd.type = "text/javascript"; scribd.async = true; scribd.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(scribd, s); })() strategic skills required to achieve strategic ambitions Tesco plans to expand its Retailing Services Division including TPF, and Tesco Telecom to GBP 1 billion in profit. In order to achieve this, Tesco may be considering launching mortgage products or even current accounts, viewing the current economic crisis as an opportunity to break into a highly competitive market. The retailer is also considering expanding the service into international markets such as China and South Korea. leadership in any organization is very important to bring success and growth. so keeping this idea i mind Tesco is always take great care to produce great leaders to meet the current fast pace business environment and always devise the plans and strategies to develop its leaders for future needs and enable them to face the upcoming challenges of businesses.tesco knows that leaders are the source of inspiration and motivation of its employees and they are the people who have to take important decisions at crucial circumstances and also very important to achieve the strategic goals and without their proper in put success is almost impossible to get and so tesco is always up to the task and therefore it always run different programs and plans to improve the capabilities and skills of its employees so it can achieve its strategic objectives and take Tesco further to success and growth. now i would also discuss what are the important aspects or skills desirable to produce good leaders. Leadership involves many management skills, but generally as a secondary or background function of true leadership. Leadership instead relies most strongly on less tangible and less measurable things like trust, inspiration, attitude, decision-making, and personal character. These are not processes or skills or even necessarily the result of experience. They are facets of humanity, and are enabled mainly by the leaders character and especially his/her emotional reserves. Now we look some of the important qualities the leaders should have to get the assigned strategic goals which are Leaders should be good communicator and have to maintain all communication channels opened from top to bottom to effectively communicate the messages and strategies to make them successful They have to be problem solver rather than problem creator and should know well awared about the company policies and rules. The leaders should be good decisions makers and they should take right decision at right time without time delay because thats what they are there to do and trained for as well. They should have good interpersonal skills and good attitude towards the organization and employees as well. They should be very good as far as political skills are concerned and in other words they should see every matter tactfully and wisely and should aware what happening inside and outside the organization. Leaders should keep making or devise plans time to time to grow and produce new leaders and arrange different programs to improve their employees skills and make them ready for future prospects and make them ready for crucial times in order to empower them. Despite all these above qualities there are some other as well which good leaders should have which are as follows truth honest humility courage commitment sincerity passion confidence h.htttp:// 1.3 relationship between existing, required and future skills to achieve the strategic ambitions of Tesco. Assessment of current skills and abilities .Tesco always take great care to produce and bring good Interpersonal skills, time management skills, ability to take initiative etc into its managers because these are very important for the success of the organization and always help to give it competitive edge on other organization. Skills required to achieving the strategic ambitions of tesco. Tesco always take serious actions to bring and develop Environmental scanning skills, ability to build alliances etc in its managers and also know that by doing so its market reputation will enhance and it would bring more profitability and success to the organization. Tesco always keep i n mind the Gap analysis i.e. analysis of the gap between existing and required skills to achieve strategic ambitions of the organization Assessment of future skills needed to achieve future goals Tesco tries to bring the Change management skill into its personal development programs through various trainings and know that it will be required in the future to achieve future goals of the organization . 2.1 Tesco opportunities to support leadership development Tesco Identifies development needs through various tools and methods as mentioned below To develop store structures to better meet the needs of both customers and staff  · To provide our leaders with coaching to support their teams better  · To get more people in to work more of the time  · To reduce our management vacancies down to a minimum. Benefits to Our People are our most important advantage, and important goal is to select and keep the best. We therefore offer our workers an striking benefits package, including flexible hours and leave, profit-share, an award-winning define benefit pension, discounted meals and childcare vouchers. Through our concession Card scheme, all staff with over 12 months service receive a10% discount on their shopping at Tesco. They are also able to take advantage of discounts at, on our financial products, holidays, gym membership, childcare vouchers and health cover. Each staff member receives a Benefits Book annually to explain all the benefits they can take advantage of, and a personal Benefits Report summarising their total package. Tesco SWOT analysis, 360 degree feedback analysis, psychometric assessment etc are another tools to support leadership development programs and play an important role for its success and effectiveness. Identifying the opportunities to support leadership development which includes the Educational opportunities, training opportunities, development opportunities, carer planning opportunities etc are also very important and vital to support the leadership development programs and tesco always take these things in board whatever the circumstances are there because without these tools its very difficult to achieve the desired strategic objectives. personal development plan to direct leadership development in my point of view its very crucial to Formulate personal development plan to direct leadership development and the main points to bear in mind doing so are to Conduct a skill audit, identify skills to be improved, devise activities to improve those skills, identify the resources to perform those activities, identify the measures to record progress, and work out a timeline because without all these elements it is not possible to make an impact on leadership development . the four steps we need to produce in our personal grooming plans. Recognize the some important areas in your life that you would like to improve. look at your thoughts, objectives and personal ambitions, what are the five (plus or minus two) important aspects in your life that you want to grow? What are those some important competencies that will have the biggest influence on your life, career or objectives? Search for means in these areas. List the resources that you may require to find that will help you in growing in each of the aspects youve recognized. This may comprise books, blogs, tapes, seminars or training to be there. List the means that you are going to explore to help you in your individual growth. Position away an hour a day devoted to your personal growth. You will require to make and hour each day implementing your development plan. This is a usual time set aside to spotlight on growing the areas recognized, used for understanding, writing and reflecting. Search mentor and make relationships with other rising people. This is one of the most undervalue aspect of personal growth. Relationships with rising people, will help you to develop more quickly than any other source I know. search for mentor to help and direct you in each of the important areas recognized, numerous mentors are usually improved than one, as its improbable youll be able to find a single person to help you in all your important areas. List the possible mentors and rising people that you are going to vigorously increase a relationship with. http://www..Net/2006/07/09/how-to-develop-yours-personal-growth-plan Tesco implementation process for the development plan the important aspects we have to keep in mind while devising or making implementation process for the development plan are Using a development log Identifying your key development goal Capturing leadership feedback Planning step to achieve your development goals Monitoring progress against goals Continuously reviewing and refining your approach to deliver superior performance Tesco uses all the above mentioned implementation processes to judge its development plans and make sure that each one of them is adhered and well executed during the process. 3.1 Assess the achievement of outcomes of the plan against original objectives The important things to analyse whether the achievement outcomes met with the designed are Assessing your PDP records and action plans Development need, objectives, outcomes, need met? Yes/no? With evidence, outcome, what went well?, what didnt?, what would I do differently next time? Now we discuss briefly the importance of pdp paln and its effectiveness in personal development program which is very important because it provide us the current progress comparison with the past and help out to change or amend policies at the right time to achieve the original goals and objectives and many good organization are already working on this so do tesco and it has ver good data base which gives it a competitive edge over other organization and enable it to track down its progress and help to make realistic and achieavable objectives for the future and this is one of the main cause of its success so far another important thing is the development need objectives outcomes which provide the answer in yes or no regarding our planning continuity and put a clear picture in front of us of our progress and as tesco has some set goals so these things help a lot to make them successful and fruitful for the organization. the impact of the achievement of objectives on strategic ambitions tesco keep Demonstrating the impact of your achievement of objectives on organisation strategic ambitions and the key elements which keep influencing on the achievement of objectives to get the strategic ambitions are Development need e.g. aspirational visionary style Objectives e.g. i will develop a new vision statement for my organization Relevant strategic ambition e.g. a new strategic marketing plan to promote products into new markets Impact achieved? Yes/no? Evidence e.g. yes, new vision statement is integrated into marketing material; new customers are impressed by this new statement; new business has resulted in  £30k profit increase Research shows that of the six management styles, the futurist one is most efficient, powerful in every feature of environment. Take lucidity. The reliable leader is a futurist; he motivate people by building clear to them how their work fits into a larger image for the business. commanding leadership maximize assurance to the organizations objectives and plan. When he gives presentation feedback, whether positive or negative, the singular decisive factor is whether or not that presentation furthers the vision. The principles for success are clear to all, as are the rewards. Finally, futurist leaders give people the liberty to innovate, test, and take planned risks. Because of its positive brunt, the futurist style works well in almost any trade situation. But it is mainly effective when a business is floating. A futurist leader charts a new route and sells his people on a fresh long-term idea. But the method will not work in every condition. It fails, for example, when a leader is working with a group of experts or aristocrats who are more experienced than he is; they may see the leader as arrogant and out of touch. And if a manager trying to be commanding becomes haughty, he can demoralize the democratic spirit of an effective team. Review and update the leadership development plan Tesco always keep Reviewing and updating its plan in terms of progress Are all development needs met? Have all the development objectives been achieved? Have all the outcomes been assessed? Has the impact on strategic ambitions been evaluated? Existing development needs still to be auctioned Existing development objectives still to be auctioned New development needs identified New development objectives identified The above are few important things to note down specially to make a development plan and to answers these questions solve the mystery and help in achieving the desired goals and objectives needs of any organization or business changes with the time and requires update as when tesco was in its initial phases to start it works it felt the need that it requires to exopand as the demand of market was increasing and the same it did and kept doing and invested more money on development of the organization and people as well and it resulted out to be a great investment and now it got the status of one of the giant in reatail industry and still its focusing on the need and trying to be fitted in the same competive frame of mind to review and update leadership development plans which give it a great competitive advantage and put it in healthy competition. 4.1the impact of corporate and individual health and safety responsibilities on the Organisation. Tesco holds a very close and restrict monitor on its health and safety responsibilities because if the employees are fit and healthy than the company always holds the upper edge on the compeptitors and it proves a valuable asset for the company because of this reason tesco has defined a very good and effective health and safety policy and some of its benefits are mentioned below. Defining health and safety It is a cross-disciplinary area concerned with protecting the safety, health and welfare of people engaged in work or employment Health and safety responsibility on your organization Setting a health and safety policy and objectives Creating a suitable organizational culture Development and implementation of health and safety plan Monitoring, evaluation and review of plan Assessing the impact of health and safety responsibilities on your organisation Reduced costs and reduced risks Less employee absence and turnover rates Fewer accidents Reduced threat of legal action etc. tesco have a comprehensive risk management process to identify and minimise occupational health and safety risks across the business. We constantly monitor and review our performance and seek feedback from our people. Every store measures health and safety performance and reports on it three times a year through the Staff Forum. Safety campaigns are launched three times a year at Staff Forums to focus our people on how we can improve safety in our stores. 4.2 organisational culture of quality on the achievement of strategic ambitions Tesco has organisational culture of quality on the achievement of strategic ambitions and some of its attributes are as follows. Promoting a health and safety quality culture Motivating, engaging and involving staff in health and safety issues Awareness about safety first etc. Estimating the impact of health and safety quality culture on achievement of your organizations strategic ambitions Accidents reduced by 35percent; Profit up by 8 percent, Sickness is below 3 percent etc. All this has helped the organization achieve its strategic ambition of promoting products into new markets etc. Because of all those things which have mentioned above tesco managed to remain a strong contender in the retail industry and would keep doing so as long as it would adhere these policies with continuity.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
McDonaldization of Society
Ritzer’s theory of McDonaldization proposes a new interpretation of modern world order, social structure of society and business relations. Efficiency is one of the main components of McDonaldization. Ritzer (2000) explains: â€Å"McDonald's offers efficiency, or the optimum method for getting from one point to another. For consumers, this means that McDonald's offers the best available way to get from being hungry to being full†(9). Efficiency helps companies to adopt particular cause of action. Efficiency means the best solution to meet the needs of parties involved. Efficiency involves the identification of a problem or issue which requires consideration. At this stage there will be a decision to do nothing or pursue the issue. For instance, fast food restaurants help customers to save time and money. People can buy meals in a short period of time ‘without leaving their cars’ (9). Efficiency can be explained as rationality, fast service delivery and low cost solutions.  Continued change is inevitable and likely to develop at an even faster rate. â€Å"The fast-food model offers people, or at least appears to offer them, an efficient method for satisfying many needs†(10). A salad bar is a vivid example of efficiency: a customer buys a plat and creates a salad himself. By keep ing the objectives in mind and always looking for ways in which both parties can work together to achieve their common objectives, it should be easier to reach a mutually acceptable service. If efficiency concept is followed, the company is required to identify possible courses of customers’ action to solve the problem. is a travel agency which follows an efficiency principle in order to deliver quality services at low cost. ‘Self-service’ is the main tool used by Expedia Travel. A client can plan his trip or vocation according to his budget and wants. A client calculates the price of his trip himself and can reduce its cost choosing a cheaper hotel or flight. This self-service presents opportunities for diverse customer groups. This approach is interesting to everyone who wants to plan a good vocation at low cost. On the other hand, a client is forced to spend more time on planning and organizing process, mastering new technology and computer skills. The case of Expedia travel shows that in changing environment, the use of technology requires more problem solving skills and the ability to interpret data. Routine tasks requiring a low level of skill are disappearing fast. Used in conjunction with flexible planning, efficiency requires a customer’s participation in service delivery. Using this approach many firms adopted that principle understands it as clients’ participation in planning which have the potential to improve the quality of their work. Any improvement here is said to be beneficial. Important in the above is the recognition that involvement of clients in examining problems and seeking to develop solutions is only one part of the efficiency approach. Moreover, all manner of developments and improvements are discussed in the context of the strategy that management has agreed upon in order to turn the company around. Through involvement of all parties and by bringing in new skills new ways of doing things are sought. Ritzer’s concept of ‘efficiency’ shows that involvement of a customer/client in service delivery process helps companies to reduce operational costs and time. Ritzer underlines that a modern consumer pays for this privilege. Beyond this it is essential that customers are given a chance to seek out and develop cost-effective solutions. Works Cited Ritzer, G. The McDonaldization of Society. Pine Forge Press; 2000.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Viloin Technical/Descriptive Essay
The crowd waited in silence as minutes had passed. Then suddenly the velvet red curtains began to part. Rushing to opposite sides of the stage revealing a girl. The spotlight shining bright directly on her, you could see the fear in her glossy hazel eyes as she took a quick glimpse into the crowd. She slowly closed her eyes and gently laid her head on her shoulder rest of her beautiful classical 4/4 violin. We watched as she placed her fingers correctly and there it was, the first note. A beautiful A flat. So petite and perfect you knew her performance was going to be astonishing.A violin is a beautiful instrument to look at. That beauty, which comes from the instrument's curved and often shiny body, is what helps make the sound you hear. The body of a violin is hollow. The strings are above the body, suspended by a bridge. The bridge is a small, maple piece of wood. This bridge is secured on the instrument because of the tension of the strings. When the violin is played, the vibrati on of the strings is transferred from the bridge to the body. The vibration is amplified in the body of the violin, and this is the sound you hear.The sound of a well played violin is the sound of emotions, from the length of sadness to the shortness of expectations. Sometimes, it's low pitch, whispering like the wind and warm like a blanket and then it gets higher and higher until the pitch is so high, it's borderline painful, but just before you reach the pain†¦ it stops and get silenced†¦ and then whispers again. The violin is the highest pitch instrument in the orchestra like the higher part of a piano. Sometimes the violin can sound scratchy when you mess up but other times it sounds like harmony and peace when you succeed.Sounds like the high pitch of the bird singing outside your window that wakes you up in the morning. Majestic like water, drops of water creating ripples of sound. Waves that flow into your ears and give you those goosebumps that make the little hai rs on your arms stand up. The beautiful sound that makes your ears ask for more and more of its gorgeousness . That when they stop playing you feel that little crack in your heart from the loss of the astonishing sound you crave for more of. She pulled back on her bow creating her last note. Her last note was a decrescendo on the note E.She drew back her bow slowly not quite letting the beautiful sound end just yet, It slowly faded away into the distance, my ears lingered to hear the note that was disappearing into the darkness. My eyes were closed , secretly begging to hear more but all i heard was silence. I opened my eyes and saw she had picked up her bow. The audience was so astonished they sat in silence. That pause felt like eternity but then i stood to my feet and began to applaud her, as everybody else in the crowd followed me and a tear fell off my cheek, Knowing that was my student on that stage.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Adolf Hitler And The Barbaric Acts Of Prejudice - 1134 Words
Adolf Hitler is most commonly known for the unforgivable acts of prejudice he committed throughout the course of his life. His abysmal actions left a scar on the world that could never be healed. However, Hitler possessed extreme intelligence and vocational skills. Although innovative and bright, he became corrupt as he turned against non-Aryans. His dream of pursuing his desire to be an artist slowly drifted from his mind as visions of a pure bred mother Germany came into focus. Hitler’s significant life choices and geographical surroundings influenced his course of destruction that would later be known as the â€Å"final solution†. On April 20, 1889, Adolf Hitler was born in Braunau am Inn, Austria-Hungary, a town located on the borders of Austria and Hungary. He was the fourth child of Alois Hitler, a customs official and his wife Klara. When Adolf was six years old, his father retired and moved to Linz, Austria where Adolf received good marks in elementary school, but did poorly in high school. Adolf’s harsh, short-tempered father was less than pleased with Adolf’s sub-par grades and wished for him to become a civil servant, disregarding Adolf’s dream of being an artist. Adolf was not happy about his father’s plan for him and loathed the thought of becoming a civil servant. In 1903, Alois died and Adolf convinced his mother to let him drop out at the age of sixteen 2  ½ years later. Adolf was then free to choose his own course of action. Hitler moved to Vienna, the capitalShow MoreRelatedGenocide of the Jewish Race: An Unthinkable Act800 Words  | 4 PagesGenocide of the Jewish Race: An Unthinkable Act Genocide. What is it defined as? According to the Holocaust Encyclopedia, genocide is defined as any crime committed with intent to destroy, in whole or part, a national, ethnical, or religious group. 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