Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Origins Of The Viking - 2866 Words
The term Viking commonly relinquishes thoughts of ship-born warriors and pillagers known as the Norsemen, or men from the north, who originated in Scandinavia and raided the coasts of Britain, Ireland and mainland Europe as far east as the Volga River in Russia from the late 8th to 11th century. The terminology of the Viking has also been denoted by historians as entire populations of Viking Age Scandinavia and their settlements. Although the Norsemen are infamous for their pillaging and plundering they were also intensely focused on establishing sufficient trade routes throughout Europe and implementing economically sustainable villages with functional currency. Although the barbarian invasions undoubtedly deepened the initial economic crisis and the emergence of the barbarian kingdoms made traveling less safe which accelerated the collapse of long distance trade. At the same time also declining the importance of the cities as cultural and trade centers. The claim that the barbaria n invasions resulted in a long tenured period of general economic and cultural decline can be argued against with sufficient evidence. Considering the economic crisis started much earlier and could not be reversed neither by the reforms of Diocletian nor of Constantine. It was not until after this initial depression that the extensive trade routes of the Norsemen were able to redefine Europe economically and culturally. The established Norse trade network included trading relationshipsShow MoreRelatedThe Origins Of The Viking Era866 Words  | 4 PagesDuring the Viking Era, expansion to the west, as well as the east, introduced a new wave of technology, industrialization and development, and culture to the European world. The Viking’s expeditions to both were quite similar in that advancements stemmed from their adventures east and west. 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